In A Research Paper Information That Expands On The Topic But That Does Not Fit Well
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Automobile A False Sense of Freedom Essay - 2348 Words
From the promises of the automobile to the model-T no one could predict how the car would alter the world we live in. The dependency on the automobile is quickly shifting from not only an American problem, but a global one. As Rudi Volti describes the begging’s of the Automobile, we also see America’s curiosity in the new technology and how it could change our world for the better, (2006). Volti describes how the automobile wasn’t an American invention, but quickly became the American ideal; no one has developed and changed the automobile as much as America, (2006). From the begging the automobile promised freedom that we had never experienced before, it has greatly altered our landscape and our culture. Amy Best describes the Latino youth†¦show more content†¦It is really a vacation when it so closely resembles work, (false promise). A blatant denial existed in the early vacationing of black travelers. Are we there yet?, also describes how early Black t ravelers had to create their own tour guides in agencies, in order to know where they were welcome (2010). These ‘Green Books’ were the only access to vacationing that Blacks had, they sights often included monuments and large companies that would work with Blacks. The early vacations of blacks showed the stark contrast between their freedom and that of their white counter-parts. While the American vacation showcases both false promises and blatant lacks of freedom, these concepts exist today throughout our culture. False Promises Time and time again our dependency on the automobile is present. For our lives exist the way they do because of the automobile and could not exist any other way with it. â€Å"[Our] ability to participate both physically and symbolically in American cultural life depends on the car†, (Best, 2006). The automobile defines the life we live and often, â€Å"cars serve as ‘extended selves’†, (Best, 2006). 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