In A Research Paper Information That Expands On The Topic But That Does Not Fit Well
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Academic Characteristics Of Hip Hop Culture - 982 Words
The purpose of this paper is to explore the major characteristics of hip hop studies, how they have evolved over the years, and how hip hop can be used to teach others. To begin, a great summary of the major characteristics of hip hop studies is The Kaledioscope of Writing on Hip-Hop Culture by Gail Hilson Woldu. For instance, in his book Woldu discusses the academic characteristic of hip hop studies (Woldu, 10). The author gives several examples of major works that have come from academic writing. He also goes into great detail about what they each focus on. For example, Woldu mentions Black Noise from author Tricia Rose as being a book that falls into the academic characteristic of hip hop studies (Woldu, 13). Woldu states, â€Å".... this†¦show more content†¦Again, these are simply a few the many examples provided by Woldu. All of these examples go to show that the journals are a major characteristic. Finally, the last major characteristic of hip hop studies that Woldu discusses is what he calls â€Å"the devotees†(Woldu, 30). Woldu states, â€Å"All are clearly more than â€Å"devotees†in the sense that they are far more than fans or hip-hop groupies†(Would, 30). Examples that he provides are, for instance, Bill Adler (Woldu, 30). Woldu states, â€Å"Bill Adler, a former rap publicist†¦wrote a biography of rappers Run-DMC†(woldu, 31). Another example is Nelson George. According to Woldu, â€Å"the recipient of two ASCAP-Deems Taylor Awards and an American Book Award, George is the author of eight nonfiction books on African American culture†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Woldu, 31). Again, these examples go to show that this is a major characteristic of hip hop studies. Aside from simply looking at the major characteristics, one can also examine the ways in which they have evolved. For instance, one can dive into the evolution of the academic characteristic. 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