In A Research Paper Information That Expands On The Topic But That Does Not Fit Well
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Academic Characteristics Of Hip Hop Culture - 982 Words
The purpose of this paper is to explore the major characteristics of hip hop studies, how they have evolved over the years, and how hip hop can be used to teach others. To begin, a great summary of the major characteristics of hip hop studies is The Kaledioscope of Writing on Hip-Hop Culture by Gail Hilson Woldu. For instance, in his book Woldu discusses the academic characteristic of hip hop studies (Woldu, 10). The author gives several examples of major works that have come from academic writing. He also goes into great detail about what they each focus on. For example, Woldu mentions Black Noise from author Tricia Rose as being a book that falls into the academic characteristic of hip hop studies (Woldu, 13). Woldu states, â€Å".... this†¦show more content†¦Again, these are simply a few the many examples provided by Woldu. All of these examples go to show that the journals are a major characteristic. Finally, the last major characteristic of hip hop studies that Woldu discusses is what he calls â€Å"the devotees†(Woldu, 30). Woldu states, â€Å"All are clearly more than â€Å"devotees†in the sense that they are far more than fans or hip-hop groupies†(Would, 30). Examples that he provides are, for instance, Bill Adler (Woldu, 30). Woldu states, â€Å"Bill Adler, a former rap publicist†¦wrote a biography of rappers Run-DMC†(woldu, 31). Another example is Nelson George. According to Woldu, â€Å"the recipient of two ASCAP-Deems Taylor Awards and an American Book Award, George is the author of eight nonfiction books on African American culture†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Woldu, 31). Again, these examples go to show that this is a major characteristic of hip hop studies. Aside from simply looking at the major characteristics, one can also examine the ways in which they have evolved. For instance, one can dive into the evolution of the academic characteristic. One major way in which these characteristics have evolved is simply by the topics they cover. When looking at what was commonly talked about back in the early days of hip hop, and then compare it to the topics discussed today one will notice a difference. That main difference being that the topics are very thoughtful and look for deeper meaning. Furthermore, there is always room for more areas ofShow MoreRelatedAfrican-American Studies Has Been Set In Place To Broaden1347 Words  | 6 PagesAfrican-American studies provides a way to deepen an individual’s understanding from the diaspora. It also teaches the history of my people in a way that I never learned in secondary school. It reinforces the importance to immerse myself into my history and culture. In my opinion, African-American Studies leads to mental liberation and a greater level of consciousness. However, many people may not find the importance in African-American Studies. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Automobile A False Sense of Freedom Essay - 2348 Words
From the promises of the automobile to the model-T no one could predict how the car would alter the world we live in. The dependency on the automobile is quickly shifting from not only an American problem, but a global one. As Rudi Volti describes the begging’s of the Automobile, we also see America’s curiosity in the new technology and how it could change our world for the better, (2006). Volti describes how the automobile wasn’t an American invention, but quickly became the American ideal; no one has developed and changed the automobile as much as America, (2006). From the begging the automobile promised freedom that we had never experienced before, it has greatly altered our landscape and our culture. Amy Best describes the Latino youth†¦show more content†¦It is really a vacation when it so closely resembles work, (false promise). A blatant denial existed in the early vacationing of black travelers. Are we there yet?, also describes how early Black t ravelers had to create their own tour guides in agencies, in order to know where they were welcome (2010). These ‘Green Books’ were the only access to vacationing that Blacks had, they sights often included monuments and large companies that would work with Blacks. The early vacations of blacks showed the stark contrast between their freedom and that of their white counter-parts. While the American vacation showcases both false promises and blatant lacks of freedom, these concepts exist today throughout our culture. False Promises Time and time again our dependency on the automobile is present. For our lives exist the way they do because of the automobile and could not exist any other way with it. â€Å"[Our] ability to participate both physically and symbolically in American cultural life depends on the car†, (Best, 2006). The automobile defines the life we live and often, â€Å"cars serve as ‘extended selves’†, (Best, 2006). 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Marketing management 4 Case Studies of Successful Companies
Question: Describe following case studies? Case study 1: Pegasus AirlinesCase study 2: John Lewis: middle Englands retailer of choiceCase Study 3: TescoCase Study 4: Porsche brand Answer: Case study 1: Pegasus Airlines Introduction: Pegasus airlines were found in 1990, 25 years ago. It is recognized for the low cost airline and its headquarters is in Turkey (Tudruj et al., 2015). Istanbuls is the second main hub were the Pegasus airlines fly, sabiha gokcen is an international airport. Pegasus airlines try to come up in the market till 1990-2012 and in 2007 they carry more and more passenger and it was known as the second largest airline in turkey in the years of 2012. Atlasjet airlines, Onur airline etc are the domestic competitors, while France, British airway etc are the international competitors of Pegasus airline. They come up with the three strategies that are they pay attention towards their customers, they love their customers, and lastly, they provide more facilities and services to their customers. Examples of the needs, wants and demands that Pegasus customers demonstrate and implication of each for Pegasus practices: Pegasus come up with the needs, wants, and demand to satisfy their customers and also try to fulfill all the requirements of the customers and also try to fulfill it in any cost because they want their customers to be happy and provide them a safe journey (Miller, 2015). Needs: The basic needs of Pegasus airlines to satisfy their customers are the following: The flights are on time. The cost of the flight ticket is low because they come up with the low price strategy. Food facilities are also available in flight. Wants: The wants of Pegasus airlines to satisfy their customers are: Flight is on time and customers would not wait for it, because there is no delay system in their flight. Ticket can be affordable due to the low price strategy and all types of passenger can afford it and the staff services are also good. In this they also provide a various facilities that is good food, proper hospitality etc. Lastly, they also come up with the social network chain which will help them to keep on updating themselves on time. Demands: The demand of Pegasus airlines to satisfy their customers is: They declare that if the flight is delayed they will return their money. Credit loyalty card will be provided which will help the customer while booking their tickets. Description of all the facets of Pegasus Product: Pegasus arises with lots of things which provide the top services to their customers. They come up with reducing the price of tickets in Turkey, so every kind of passenger can afford it (Charoensettasilp and Wu, 2013).. They also claim that if the flight is postponed they will return their money. Pegasus comes up with the Credit loyalty card will be provided to the customers and help they while booking their tickets and also reduce the insurance rate. Pegasus keeps on listing to the customers feedback for better inclination (Hundertmark, Simicic and Vincent, 2015). Five marketing management concepts best applies to Pegasus: According to the case study Pegasus come up with different concepts to satisfy their customer, in this marketing management concept is best fitted for the Pegasus airline. There are five different types of marketing concept that is 1] Production concept, which are base on customer details which are available in the market. 2] Product concept, customers are paying attention on those product and services which fulfill their expectation. 3] Selling concept, in this they are based on the facts. 4] Marketing concept, it delivers and communicates the value of their target customers (Starcevic, 2013). 5] Societal marketing concept, which fulfills the requirement of the entire society, satisfied their customers as well as their organization. Value Pegasus creates for its customers: Yes, Pegasus created some value to their customers like integrity, quality, delivery and safety. To fulfill the entire requirement which is above their hope like discount rates, they give the full payment if the flight is postponed. There strategy is the price of tickets is low and can b affordable (Yoo, Kim and Lee, 2015). Pegasus likely to continue being in building customer relationship: Yes, Pegasus will continued being successful in building customers relation because for them their customers are the key aspects. There hope is to create a sustainable connection with its customers while leveraging the potential of social network and other digital technology. Pegasus create a Strong image in the market, what they say they fulfill all the requirement of their customers which is the most important for their success and it also reflect the words of customers on a special websites titled Pegasus listens to you. Case study 2: John Lewis: middle Englands retailer of choice: John lewis: It is a departmental store chain which is based on middle class customers. John Lewis brand means to consumers. Strength and weakness as the company moves forward in tough economic condition: According to them, John lewis (Lewis, 2015) provide a better service to their customers with a lesser employees turnover and construct higher trust among their customers, so for that here the brand is means to customer. To distribute a strong customer services they help to build a chain in an organizational structure. In organizational structure the customer is very well know that they are not compromise on the quality of products, prices or on services. Here the brand is the strength for the company as they moved forward in hard economic situation on the high street because they fully alert on consumer demand for the products. John Lewin also built a desirable status for giving the best advice to shopper (Anisimova, 2010). Actually selling by John Lewis: In this case study John Lewin sale wide range of goods, like electrical, home garden, sports and fashion goods etc. According to the case study, here the customer is mainly buy electronic items or the home appliances and technology. John lewis says that it is the core benefits of buying the electronic items and home appliances is they will distribute that product on time and also provide a better quality of goods and services to their customers (Goverover and DeLuca, 2015). According to the case study the actual product means adding up more features to the product that is benefited to the customers take an example of an camera and camera is known for capturing the vision and the plan is to add up more appearance and necessities which the customers wants in good camera, and last is the augmented product in which the level is base on after sale services with warranty and so on like for example John lewin give a agreement of five years free services with the purchase of any electronic item (An et al., 2010). Recommendation for the future of John Lewis Partnership: According to them, the recommendation, make to the managing directors for the future of the John lewis partnership, the company is public limited were their employee has referred to as a followers. Employees presents and future records should be taken care by the management. John Lewis also provides a reward system to their employees for the partnership and also provides a better quality of goods and services. The company is setting up for first forays into the US and Australia and its also recruiting its first partner outsides the UK for a buying office in India. The elements of successful service model like John Lewis really can be transferred to public services: Yes, the element of a successful services service model of john lewis transfer to the public sectors because the staff gave instruction to British police officers in how to be more qualified and selfless when dealing with sufferers and witness of crime, the departmental stores has become an symbol of a new entrepreneurship for politicians. Hospitals can be like a John Lewis Shop and the barriers of it: No, hospitals cannot be like John Lewis shop because the barriers that arises is that there is full of highly professional called upon to use their decision yet they must also do something which no organization consults does. Another barrier is that the persons feel empower to use their perception, qualified information and judgment and anticipated to work as a highly disciplined team. Case Study 3: Tesco Introduction: Tesco Plc is a British multinational grocery and general Merchandise retailers and its headquarters is in Cheshunt, England and Hertfordshire. Tesco come under second largest in the world by revenue were as in profit its come on third largest company in the world. Tesco has many stores across 12 countries including Asia and Europe, were as grocery market leader in the UK, the republic of Ireland, Malaysia, Thailand and Hungary. In the year 1919 Tesco was founded by Jack Cohen as a group of market stalls which was expanded rapidly and over 100 Tesco stores across the country in the years of 1939 (Tesco develops new learning portal, 2010). The Big Price Drop, deviate from Cohens original motto pile them high and sell them cheap: Yes, Tescos promote promotional pricing campaign, the Big price Drop, deviate from Cohens original motto of pile them high and sell them cheap. Tesco inventive motto was to sell product at a low-priced but in a better volume, which in turn facilitate the organization to develop in better ways. According to this approach they suggest their customers that kind of product which price is low compares with the high street. This conventional strategy has been doing well in 2010 because one in each six microwaves and one in each four small television sell in the UK was purchase from a Tesco stores (Rust, Moorman, Bhalla,2010). In case of Price drop policy, the company promise the customers to price cut on over 3000 indispensable items across their stores for making the cost of customer shopping basket cheaper. Soon the competitor also taken the plan of price reduction and there became one price conflict soon. This policy is totally abstracted from its original motto, that if the product is buy in a huge amount then the price of the product get decrease, while buying a product in huge amount then only they will get discounts on 3000 essential items. Hence the result of reducing the cost of grocery store, they enlarged small edge for their supermarkets. Here the money is not only aware about the customers but also totally against by this strategy, because they thought that this policy will damage their quality of product and then consumer will visit variety of stores to find out good quality of products (Massa, Testa,2012). Pricing to segment the food market and position of Tesco: Tesco used pricing to segment the food market and position its offering are below the big brand pricing and distribution policy during the 1990s Tesco began to expand its own well-known grocery and non grocery products. Recognize special market segments and customer needs. According to the case study Tesco bring in a portfolio of own-brands characterize by differences in pricing structural design. Tesco launched their motto in 1992 every little helps. In this Tesco offer their brand to the shopper with necessary grocery item that is orange juice, bread, and baked beans with decreasing the price of that product while comparing to its competitors. While doing adding to the beginning of Tescos own branded variety of groceries items like organic produce, healthy living etc. Tesco bring it luxury range of creation to the marketplace in 1998 and Tesco core plan was low prices with greater volume of sales and growth of its lower prices. These are the approaches that Tesco used their pricing strategy to segment their food market and position its existing (Sinha, Kar,2010). Reason of willing to pay different prices for the same category of food by the customers: Tesco planned to reply their UK consumers while changing their lifestyle and growing affluence, products sold under the premium label with existing finest quality and prices. Not only this policy that is help out by Tesco in gaining market share and secure a better proportion of consumers expend, own identified goods are also facilitate Tesco in achieving higher profit margin on their product compare to others and those who earned from the sale of branded goods which are purchase from outside suppliers and consumers are eager to pay different prices for same kind of product. Importance of Tescos Clubcard to assist the managers in developing pricing strategies: Tesco come up with their loyalty card in 1995, during which company can extraordinary right of entry to record where, and how much at which price customers buy goods from Tesco, the Club card rewards participant with price cut coupons and customized their price promotions. Therefore, they permit the Tesco to build complete profile of their customers purchase behavior and value sensitivities through which the manager might get help in raising their pricing strategy (Davenport, Mule, Lucker,2011). The major pricing strategies have Tesco demonstrated evidence of adopting since 1919: During 1919 the main pricing policy which had been adopt by Tesco is Pile it high and sell it cheap, which means products are sell at cheaper price by producing the product at a larger quantity. Tesco will move away from price deals and focus on the quality and focus on the quality and range of its products in future: Yes, Tesco will move away from price deals and focus on the quality and range of its products in the future because Tesco come up with the Big Price Drop strategy which was costing over 500million, funded in part by slash club card points and one-off promotions, this campaign promise their consumers with price cuts on over 3000 essential items across their stores making the cost of customers shopping baskets at cheaper price. Tesco competitors are like Asda, Sainsbury etc is also involved themselves in Reduction of price wars. For these reasons consumer thought that competitors will harm the product quality and after that they will visit from one store to other stores to find out better quality of products. For this price deduction of Tesco will not help the customer of extra buying which reduction has not been equalize. Due to this reason Tesco initiate shop voucher and come up with the tagline is, it was only for Thanksgiving (Burt,Sparks, Teller,2010). Yes, clearly price constantly play a vital role in Tesco future promotional strategies. Case Study 4: Porsche brand Introduction: Porsche was founded in 1931 by Ferdinand Porsche the man credited for designing the original Volkswagen Beetle- Adolf Hitlers people car and one of the most successful car designs of all time. Porsche headquarters is in Stuttgart and it owned by Volkswagen AG. They designed a several heavy tanks during the war (Fournier Avery, 2011). Analysis of the buyer decision process of a traditional Porsche customer: The buyer Decision process of traditional Porsche customers followed five consequential stages such as need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, decision related to purchase and post purchasing behavior. Porsche is a niche brand marketers. They are known for making a tiny cars and unique segment of car buyers. They have sold very few models for screening their individuality in the market. Porsche owner were strained to it because of its car features with air-chilled four and six- container boxer motors in the back of the car. During the traditional day Porsche only make automobile for monetarily winning people. The buyer who purchase that car they see themselves not a part of the normal world but an exclusion to its. The landlord doesnt pay for the car for its usefulness reason but they buy the car for their satisfaction. The owner who buy the car and expand their connection with the car such as its noise, vibrate and feel (Batra, Lenk Wedel, 2010). Contrast the traditional Porsche customer decision process to the decision process for a Cayenne or a Panamera customer: In this case of traditional Porsche the chair was 2 but lest of cayenne the chair was five with the seatbelts (Pongsakornrungsilp Schroeder, 2011). The cayenne was approximately 2,500kg was heavier than everything like tanks. In case of traditional car, steam engine was stern but in cayenne or Panamera it was into the frontage. Two and a half ton beast that could speed up 60miles/hr in traditional car was as 165miles/hr in cayenne coddle with five adults in luxurious leather seating with approximately no storm noise from the external world. As a result, the Cayenne or Panamera model are only for sustain its uniqueness and it has more settlement than the traditional one. Explanation regarding selling of so many lower-priced models in the 1970s and 1980s: Designed for the original few decades Ferry twisted the Porsche 356 model without burden of any kind of M.R., sales forecasting and R.O.I calculation (da Silveira, Lages Simes, 2013). They simply build vision car for the clients and for the choosy buyer. Other than because roll on the manager and occur some issue such as: whether there are sufficient Porsche buyer to keep business floating? A niche marketer also has to support in modernization. It has moreover begin to concern that the individual personality of the people who pay money for it. Porsches capacity is to run out on them. As a result, in the early 1970 it has introduced the 914 model middle engine, with two seats which was cheaper than the traditional 911 model (Han, Nunes Drze, 2010). Explanations regarding both positive and negative attitudes towards a brand like Porsche develop. Way of changing consumer attitudes toward brad by the Porsche: The positive and negative attitude toward a brand like Porsche develop is at the beginning of years 1950-1960 they build up the world well-known models like 356 and 911 models. In the beginning it has appeal to an extremely contracted section of monetarily successful community. Their goal was far above the ground and they were work determinedly to assemble them. The buyer buy those cars for their enjoyment but not for to achieve the everyday duty. They make special relationships with the cars such as its sound, vibrate etc. These cars were mostly for a definite group of people. Later on in early 1970 they have introduced 914 a square-ish mid-engine two seated which was cheaper than 911. These are normally for middle class people who can afford to buy it at higher selling car. While this car is extremely high selling cars other than due to its low-priced the traditional Porsche holder were not pleased (Avery, 2010). All over again in 2002 they jump into high ending model such as Cayenne, Panamera which were the high ended models with more momentum, frontage engine are heavier than traditional cars. These models are simply chosen for those people who are regular buyers of Porsche and they maintain their individuality. As a result, when there is some kind of financial recession, Porsche is not at all a good choice but when recession turn rear up Porsche is the better choice for meeting customer fulfillment. Role Plays by the Porsche brand in the self concept of its buyer: Role played by the Porsche brand in the self concept of its buyers are, they divided it into two classes one is for middle class and other is for upper class (Deighton, Avery, Fear, 2011). They say that if the cost is reasonable to all people, it will demolish the high level of social status of the brand, Again Porsche has appeal to a very slight division of monetarily successful group of people as the price was very luxurious due to the good feature and lastly, Porsche handle to create a brand name of completely and exclusivity without the argumentation from others and Next, they put their buyer in their own class of individuality (Zhechev, Stanimirov, 2013). References An, J., Fan, J., Hua, R. and Feng, D. (2010). Augmented Product Modeling Technique in New Product Development.AMR, 156-157, pp.36-41. Anisimova, T. (2010). Corporate brand: The company-customer misalignment and its performance implications. J Brand Manag, 17(7), pp.488-503 Avery, J. (2010). Gender bender brand hijacks and consumer revolt: The Porsche Cayenne story.Consumer behavior: Human pursuit of happiness in the world of goods, 645-649. Batra, R., Lenk, P., Wedel, M. (2010). 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Sunday, December 1, 2019
Positive and Negative Effects of Tesco free essay sample
Positive and Negative Impacts of Tesco Tesco was founded by Jack Cohen in 1919, and grew at a mind-blowing pace, by 1939 there were 100 stores located across the country; since 1990 Tesco has expanded it’s store locations, and selling varieties. Nowadays Tesco is one of the leading grocery and general merchandise retailer chain in the world. Covering 14 countries in Asia, Europe and America. It has a market share of 30% in the UK, and is considered as a monopoly; this has bought negative impacts and positive impacts to society. Negative Impacts Tesco fails to pay farmers adequate share of retail price. It benefits from financial economies of scale, therefore they are able to negotiate unfair conditions to pay farmers at a very low price for supplies. According to Competition Commission, Tesco pays farmers 4% less than the average price of other retailers, because of this thousands of farmers and workers are forced to leave the industry every year. We will write a custom essay sample on Positive and Negative Effects of Tesco or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I get 378 Rand [? 32. 50] pay every two weeks. I cant afford school fees for my daughter or go to school functions or buy school uniforms says Tawana Fraser. Tesco suppliers employs millions of worker worldwide. Using their enormous buying power, Tesco forces factories located in poor countries to lower their price and deliver goods at a faster speed and rate. This demand pressure will then be passed onto factories workers in forms of harsh working conditions (working in hazardous gas etc. ), extremely long working hours and wage cuts. This will inevitably result in more workers like Fraser, struggling to maintain a reasonable standard of life. Homeworkers are also large victims of wage cuts, as their wages are often paid below the national minimum wage. A research done by Clean Clothes Campaign show serious workers right violation done by Tesco to garment suppliers outside of UK. â€Å"I worry about my security. I dont have job security because we are subcontracted. I am always afraid that I will have no money to pay in a month†says a Tesco supplier. Tesco uses subcontracts to restrain workers from forming unions to complain and reveal Tescos nasty ways of treating poorer workers. Tesco has a big influence in the behaviors of consumers. Shoppers were encouraged to travel by car, because of this 1/10 journeys in the UK are to buy food. This brings more than 3. 5 billion pounds of traffic emission cost. It also encourages buyers to buy unhealthy food. A survey from Consumer Focus showed that only 14% promotion were vegetables, whereas 35% promotion for fatty and sugary products; 1/3 of the products had misleading or complicated food labeling. Small local stores are struggling to compete with Tesco, due to unfair competition. From 1998 to 2002, 50 specialist stores closed down. In 2005 there was a loss of 2157 independent convenience retailers. Positive impacts As a multinational firm, Tesco employs 472,000 workers world wide. Tesco not only employs large amounts of lower-class uneducated people; they also employes highly skilled workers. Since it’s such a large store there will be more opportunities for job development, such as large amounts interactions with others. They also offer graduate programs for college graduates, this will decrease the time for college graduate to find jobs in society. As well as that, young potentials are being discovered, graduates are trained to become leaders. Resulting in an increase in society efficiency. A large firm like Tesco influences consumers greatly, they’ve used this power to promote positive thoughts, events and charities. Tesco is currently working with Cancer Research UK to help find cures for cancer; it’s also promoting a greener environment by giving out tips to customers on how to become greener.
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