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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Single Parent Child And Adolescent Psychology - 1832 Words
Single Parent Children Miranda I Prowse Trine University: Child Adolescent Psychology Single Parent Children In today’s society it is not uncommon for children to grow up in a single parent household. There are multiple reasons behind this factor, such as, one parent could have passed away, the parents where never married to begin with, or divorce. Being a single parent can be a challenge at times, however people manage to make it work if they find themselves in that situation. If a person finds themselves having to raise a child or children on their own, this parent also has to work long hours in order to provide for their children. Not only is the parent affected, but so is the child. When looking back at how far our society has come in the last fifty years, we see a rapid growth in the divorce rate. If you think about your grandparents or great grandparents, chances are they were probably still married. When thinking about our parents or ourselves chances are some if not half are divorced. What some people do not realize is that with the growing rate of divorce, there is growing evidence that divorce has an adverse effect on children’s development (Sarason Sarason, 2005). By people getting married, having children, and then getting divorced; it is causing long term psychological damage to their children and having adverse effects. A study was conducted in 1984 that showed nearly 12 million children lived in a single parent home and 88% ofShow MoreRelatedAppendicitis Is The Inflammation Of The Appendix, Which1693 Words  | 7 Pagespathiophysiology of appendicitis, secondly it will cover the theories of growth and development of a 10-year-old adolescent, the third topic covered will be family centred care. Lastly covered will be the affects hospitalisation has on the 10-year-old adolescent and their family. 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