In A Research Paper Information That Expands On The Topic But That Does Not Fit Well
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Qantas Understanding Organisations Essay - 2806 Words
Understanding organisations – Case Analysis MMM262 Matthew Acciarito Contents: Introduction - 3 Modernist Analysis – 4 Environment - 4 Social structure - 5 Technology - 5 Culture - 6 Problem Statement - 7 Solutions – 7/8 Symbolic – Interpretive Critique - 9 Post Modern Critique - 10 Conclusion - 11 Reference List - 12 Introduction Qantas is the world’s second oldest airline, founded in the Queensland outback in 1920. The organisation has dominated the Australian aviation industry to now be the largest domestic and international airline, employing approximately 37,500 people within 44 different countries becoming one of Australia’s strongest brands. This report will analyse the company†¦show more content†¦This intricate social structure within organization also comes with excessive labour costs. Although the mechanistic management system is the most appropriate for Qantas and other airlines in the industry, repeat problems tend to arise, close supervision and controlled centralization. When under immense pressure due to an unstable environment this system may be put to question, where as an organic system has greater flexibility and constant innovation that may handle this pressure much more efficiently. Technology Technology plays a major role within the aviation industry. As technology advances the company becomes more efficient, more out puts for fewer inputs. Within Qantas to be successful means to be up to date with the latest in technology, this includes hardware and software but also advanced technical systems. The Qantas typology of technology is the Thomson typology; this is based around three general types, long-linked, mediating and also intensive (Hatch, MJ and Cunliffe, AL 2006). Particularly focused on the intensive segment, this requires coordinating the specialized abilities of two or more experts in the transformation of a usually unique input to a customized output (Hatch, MJ and Cunliffe, AL 2006). The key feature of intensive technology is organisations must select, combine, and apply tasks based on the feedback received from the output produced (Sikdar, A 2008). This is Qantas’s current process,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Qantas Airlines An Organization Situational A nalysis1047 Words  | 5 Pagessituational analysis of Qantas Airlines. An organisations situational analysis refers to an analysis that consists of ascertaining the key factors that will be used as a basis for development of marketing strategy. (Elliot 2014). Situational analysis consists of the environment analysis (both internal and external environment), competitor’s analysis and finally the swot analysis. By analysing those elements stated above, it is likely that the higher authority could evaluate the organisations in terms of itsRead MoreSituational Analysis Of Qantas Airlines Situational Analysis1211 Words  | 5 Pagessituational analysis of Qantas Airlines. 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It involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are efficient in terms of using as few resources as needed and effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. Qantas has grown to be Australia s largest domestic and international airline. Its forte is acquiring customer satisfaction through the operations process, the use of its technology as well as its corporate social responsibility. Operations process includesRead MoreBusiness Objectives Of Qantas Airways Limited1655 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction: Qantas is established in the Queensland outback in 1920 and after that it has become biggest domestic and international airline and strong brand in the Australia. It is enrolled as the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited (QANTAS) and the group two airlines brands are Qantas and Jetstar those provides transportation services of the customers. Qantas created its strong brand reputation through deliver safe and secure services, focus on customer services, maintainRead MoreThe Marketing Objectives Of Qantas Airlines1404 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Organisations come to exist to fulfill many purposes and reasons. For example some pursue to provide essential services for the community benefit, whereas others for profit produce goods or services. Therefore in general terms business plays a role in overall contribution of our society. The market today is very strong and competitive. Hence marketing activities often can be a differentiating factor between industry leaders and the other market players. The purpose of this report is
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Single Parent Child And Adolescent Psychology - 1832 Words
Single Parent Children Miranda I Prowse Trine University: Child Adolescent Psychology Single Parent Children In today’s society it is not uncommon for children to grow up in a single parent household. There are multiple reasons behind this factor, such as, one parent could have passed away, the parents where never married to begin with, or divorce. Being a single parent can be a challenge at times, however people manage to make it work if they find themselves in that situation. If a person finds themselves having to raise a child or children on their own, this parent also has to work long hours in order to provide for their children. Not only is the parent affected, but so is the child. When looking back at how far our society has come in the last fifty years, we see a rapid growth in the divorce rate. If you think about your grandparents or great grandparents, chances are they were probably still married. When thinking about our parents or ourselves chances are some if not half are divorced. What some people do not realize is that with the growing rate of divorce, there is growing evidence that divorce has an adverse effect on children’s development (Sarason Sarason, 2005). By people getting married, having children, and then getting divorced; it is causing long term psychological damage to their children and having adverse effects. A study was conducted in 1984 that showed nearly 12 million children lived in a single parent home and 88% ofShow MoreRelatedAppendicitis Is The Inflammation Of The Appendix, Which1693 Words  | 7 Pagespathiophysiology of appendicitis, secondly it will cover the theories of growth and development of a 10-year-old adolescent, the third topic covered will be family centred care. Lastly covered will be the affects hospitalisation has on the 10-year-old adolescent and their family. This paper will be focused on a casey study, a 10-year-old adolescent experiencing appendicitis whilst being supported by her parents. Appendicitis is an aggressive disease that consists of 5 stages that can last between a 24 and upRead MoreThe Controversy Regarding Teenage Pregnancy: The Essential Role of Education and Good Parenting1270 Words  | 5 Pageseducation regarding the issue should be provided with an increased attention because taxpayers end up billions of dollars on a yearly basis with the purpose of assisting teenage parents. In addition to this, society suffers because most teenagers who become pregnant are unlikely to finish high school. Children of teen parents are probable to suffer more health problems and to perform poorly during school, given that they are typically provided with underprivileged environments. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Leeuwin Current Free Essays
The Leeuwin Current is a warm ocean current that flows towards the south around the Western Australian coast and turns towards the east passing through Cape Leeuwin. It continues towards the Great Australian Bight influencing as far as Tasmania. It was discovered a hundred years ago when an investigation of the marine life of the Abrolhos Islands was conducted by William Saville-Kent. We will write a custom essay sample on The Leeuwin Current or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was alleged that there was a warm current flowing towards the south off Western Australia instead of the anticipated cool current that was going towards the north in the bounds of southern Africa and South America. This supposition was based on his observations of warm waters and tropical marine flora and fauna around the Abrolhos Islands. It was only during the dawn of the satellite technology in 1970s that the existence of the southwards-flowing current was finally confirmed. It was then named the Leeuwin Current by George Cresswell and Terry Golding, with its name coming from a merchant ship called Leeuwin, which meant Lioness. The Leeuwin current’s strength varied all through out the year. Its current was strongest during autumn and winter, on the months of April to October, because the opposing winds are weakest. The weakest Leeuwin current’s strength, on the other hand, is weakest during November to March. It is during this season when there are strong winds blowing towards the north opposing the southwards flow of the current. The most productive fisheries are due to the Leeuwin current’s rush of cool waters rich with nutrients. Here are the contributions that the Leeuwin current brought to the marine life and the aquatic environment that it flows through. The existence of true corals at the Abrolhos Islands and the transport of tropical marine species at the west coast and onto the Great Australian Bight are due to this current. This is because the Leeuwin Current causes the continental shelf waters of Western Australia to be warmer in winter than the regions equivalent of that in southern Africa and Chile during summer. The Houtman Abrolhos Islands which is near the edge of the continental shift off of Geraldton, is the southernmost true building corals in the Indian Ocean partly due to the effect of the nutrient-rich tropical waters of the Leeuwin current. The Leeuwin current is seldom to flow around the east of Rottnest but it oftentimes pass by its western and southwestern areas thereby also influencing the flora and fauna there. The coastal waters are relatively nutrient-poor and the fisheries are correspondingly different due to the tropical Leeuwin Current, thus we can infer that the current has a very important impact on both the climate and the marine ecosystem of Western Australia. It is also accountable for the availability of tropical marine organisms at the west and south coasts, as much far south than it could be expected. As a sample, the Leeuwin current was a major contributor to the southern bluefin tuna, the western rock lobster and a number of Australia’s coastal commercial fisheries. As it was seen by collective investigative reports done by CSIRO and the Fisheries Western Australia that spanned for the past 30 years, it was confirmed that there was a link between ocean circulation and lobster recruitment. During late winter and early spring, the puerulus, or the small rock lobsters, are carried by ocean currents back to the continental shelf and inshore coastal regions. Studies had shown that the settlement of these small rock lobsters were closely related with the changes in the flow strength of the Leeuwin Current, which is also linked with the occurrences of El Nino – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events and westerly winds. It was discovered that puerulus settlement was poor during the El Nino years, when the Leeuwin Current tends to be weak. Also, during the La Nina years, the Current tends to flow more strongly and the rock lobsters settlement was much greater as was measured by satellite sensors. The results simply showed that larger counter-clockwise eddies help larvae settle off the south western Australia, instead of being swept away towards the south. Other species that the WA Fisheries marine biologists were able to link to the strength of the Leeuwin current was that of the pilchards (sardines) on the south coast region near Albany. Also, according to data on fishery, it was seen that there is a negative relationship between the great quantities of the two-year fish with the strength of the Leeuwin Current, measured two years before the fishes’ spawning period. Another was also the whitebait. According to studies, it was concluded that the stronger the Leeuwin Current was, the greater the relative catch of whitebait will be in the next year. The presence of Australian salmon in South Australia was also related to the Leeuwin Current.It was expected that when the Leeuwin Current was flowing strongly and that warmer waters penetrate onto the continental shelf, it was also expected that the fish may simply migrate offshore into deeper cooler waters. References: Leeuwin Current. (n.d.) Retrieved August 14, 2007 from A. F. Pearce and B. F. Phillips. (1988). ENSO events, the Leeuwin Current, and larval recruitment of the western rock lobster. Retrieved August 14, 2007 from  How to cite The Leeuwin Current, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Policy and Planning for Sustainable Developments
Question: Write an essay on "Policy and Planning for Sustainable Development". Answer: Listing the Policy Directions It requires understanding the concept of sustainable livelihoods in policy directions. It limits experiences as well as concentrates on identification of characteristics in policy process in SL approach (Wiersema and Beck 2011). It brings out issues related to changes in paradigm as well as significance in the policy directions for the same. Changing role of the State implies access towards vulnerable to services. It is the withdrawal of State in provision of goods as well as services in restricted access on poorer households in geographical remotes areas at the same time. Increased focus on Gender is another issue from the last decade. It aids in organization as well as tries in ensuring programmes in inclusive of gender equality. Increased number of countries engages in introduction of legislative for right of women inheritance (Sanford 2011). Policy Directions implies frameworks and tools used by varied agencies as a whole. It uses all shares and basic concepts of sustainable livelihoods. Using such frameworks contains some important elements like an analysis for causing vulnerability. It includes trends, seasonality as well as fragility of natural resources. It stresses on matters like economic, social as well as political context. It includes an analysis of assets at individual as well as community level. It consists of human, social and physical natural resource assets for the same. It reveals context within livelihoods for policies concerning at micro as well as macro levels in an overall manner. It ensures livelihood strategies like restricted to consumption, production as well as exchange activities in the most appropriate way. It results in livelihood outcomes that are assessed in multi-dimensional form like greater sustainability of natural resources. It leads to reduced vulnerability as well as increased income i n the near future. It is important to understand the fact that shareholders reveals information regarding banking details as well as tax file number in case of dividend payments. It identifies the stakeholders as well as group company employees for providing services in group companies in desired form. It includes suppliers for collection of information in business-related purposes (Morris and Jamieson 2012). It ensures job applicants, employment as well as academic histories in providing health-related information. These policies explain on official private policy of Wesfarmers. It explains collection as well as disclosure of personal information. It aims at explaining at the rights in assessing as well as correcting the information in making complaint regarding handling personal information in the near future. Listing the key contents of Policy Directions The main key contents of Policy Directions include: The Sector Approach This component in policy decisions supports the SL approach in developing purpose. It promotes ways in response to perceived shortcomings of project-lead assistance. It is criticized as well as ignored on cross-sectional nature of livelihoods and non-participative in nature (Morris and Jamieson 2012). It increases the food security policy and planning for marginalization of main sectoral concerns in major line ministries. It inquires for more appropriate way forward for acknowledging the strengths of the sector approach. It is perfect way for increasing the future effectiveness in development. It aids in establishing realistic as well as effective management and budgetary frameworks at same sectoral levels. It helps in exploring ways in making the planning as well as policy process in participative and responsive at the same time. As per the recent Eritrean experience, it indicates facts on integration of essential sectoral process in the most appropriate way. Good Governance It is increasingly one of the important elements for aiding relationship in desired ways. It is the mechanism process as well as institutions whereby citizens and groups aim at articulating interests (Mohrman and Shani 2011). It exercises over legal rights as well as meeting obligations in mediating the differences in an overall manner. Right-based approach- It aims at overlapping with good governance on usage of legal system. It focuses on political system for advancement of disadvantaged groups in society in practical course of action. Establishment of rights ensures in form of legal framework resulting in form of political process for the same. It signed declarations on matters relating to global conventions. It incorporates rights in form of national legislation in progressive judiciary as well as legal system in accessing for broad spectrum in the population. Discussion and analysis as to why these directions are necessary Figure: Significance of Policy Decisions It mainly aims at providing provision for technical assistance in form of expatriate policy analysis as well as adviser in national governments. It ensures capacity-building as well as training for national advisors in civil service officers. It implements policy analysis for assisting donor community in providing effective as well as focused projects and programmes in budgetary support to national governments (Lister 2011). It reveals funding as well as training in assisting non-governmental partners in playing part in the policy process for the same. It plays role as multilateral as well as bilateral agencies in International NGOs in the policy process as formulated at various levels. It highlights the important process as well as different sections of the policy environment in the near future (Kroeze 2011). It is easy to conclude discussion on policy and planning on sustainable development. In the first option, it explains regarding policy making as well as Environmental Sustainab le Development policies for future analysis purpose. In the next stage, policies are taken into consideration. It views at the privacy policies of organization as well as management policies at the same time. It takes steps in ensuring service providers in protecting the privacy as well as securing personal information in general purpose. It renders cloud computing solutions as well as data storage in located overseas in case of information and under computer servers in and outside Australia. It is of prime responsibilities in communicating the policies to the potential stakeholders. It should be complied in legal obligations to shareholders as well as processing of payment. It enables third party service providers in providing information on companys information technology, legal advice as well as auditing and mailing services in an overall manner. It relates ways for share register as well as group employees for sharing of plan for future analysis purpose. It correspond ways with people as well as dealing with feedback at the same time. It requires information regarding people in regard with corporate sponsorships. It recruits as well as assesses corporate sponsorships and maintaining records in the most appropriate way. Discussion on the specific ESD principles Ecologically Sustainable Development reveals one of the greatest challenges faced by Australian governments, industry as well as business and community in the upcoming years. It uses as well as enhances community resources in the ecological process in maintaining total quality life in the near future (Ihlen, Bartlett and May 2011). ESD develops ways in meeting the needs of the Australian in the current scenario. It conserves ecosystems that benefits future generations for the same. It needs developing ways for environmental resources and maintaining future acknowledgement as far as possible. It utilizes resources in developing industry as well as generating employment for the same. It enables developing of coordinated approach for many reasons. It needs to consider integrated way for economic as well as social environmental implications in decisions actions in and around Australia. It needs to undertake long-term as well as short-term approach in taking decisions and actions in an ov erall manner (Idowu and Louche 2011). Discussion on why these contents are necessary in relation with ESD principles Ecologically Sustainable development helps in improving in the total quality of life that maintains ecological process. It requires enhancing individual as well as community well-being and welfare for the same (Husted and Allen 2011). It follows path in form of economic development for safeguarding welfare of future generations in the most appropriate way. It helps in providing equity in and between generations. It ensures providing biological diversity as well as maintaining essential ecological process in life-support systems. ESD helps in decision-making process that integrates long as well as short-term economic, social as well as environmental and equity considerations for future analysis purpose (Gottschalk 2011). It poses serious threats leading to environmental damage as well as lack of scientific certainty on an adverse manner. Role of State or Local governments in regards with Policy Direction Policy Directions enables developing strong as well as diversified economy in enhancement of capacity in case of environmental protection for recognition purpose (Furrer 2011). It requires maintaining as well as enhancing ways for international competitiveness in socially feasible ways. It is cost effective as well as flexible policy instruments in adopting improved valuation, pricing and incentive mechanisms. It is important to understand the fact that shareholders reveals information regarding banking details as well as tax file number in case of dividend payments. It identifies the stakeholders as well as group company employees for providing services in group companies in desired form. It includes suppliers for collection of information in business-related purposes (Morris and Jamieson 2012). It ensures job applicants, employment as well as academic histories in providing health-related information. These policies explain on official private policy of Wesfarmers. It explains coll ection as well as disclosure of personal information. It aims at explaining at the rights in assessing as well as correcting the information in making complaint regarding handling personal information in the near future. Data information includes reporting policies on Wesfarmers. It engages in dealings that engage in products for future analysis purpose. It takes into account dishonest, fraudulent as well as corrupt activity including bribery and other activities in breach of Wesfarmers in against Anti Bribery Policy (Carvallo and Cooper 2011). It deals with minimization of illegal activities like drug sale, violence as well as harassment and criminal damage towards property and other breaches of State or Federal Law. It potentially damages the company and requires in finding ways in reducing it as far as possible. It employs third party like unsafe work practices, environmental damage as well as health risk or abuse of Wesfarmers property and resources for the same. It gives rise t o cause financial loss to Wesfarmers as well as damage towards reputation in detrimental to Wesfarmers interests in the near future (Blowfield and Murray 2011). Discussion on the policy directions in implementation by State or Local Government As far as State Government is concerned, it adds setting strategic and policy framework for making necessary changes in making institutional arrangements for ensuring ESD principles. It establishes in effective collaboration arrangements in reviewing the charters as well as corporate plan in relevant government agencies including ESD objectives (Dringoli 2011). Success requires essential changes patterns in decision-making process as well as actions by groups and individuals. It ensures bringing significant changes in increased level of awareness in development and environmental problems for ultimate solutions. Government carries away with ESD related actions as well as actions in unequal burden for particular regions in society. It includes appropriateness of policies as well as progress on implementation in varied regions. Reference List Baxter, R. and Woodside, A. (2011).Interfirm networks. Bingley: Emerald Group Pub. Blowfield, M. and Murray, A. (2011).Corporate responsibility. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Carvallo, A. and Cooper, J. (2011).The advanced smart grid. Boston: Artech House. Chakrabarty, B. (2011).Corporate social responsibility in India. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Contractor, F. (2011).Global outsourcing and offshoring. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Dringoli, A. (2011).Corporate strategy and firm growth. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Furrer, O. (2011).Corporate level strategy. London: Routledge. Gottschalk, P. (2011).Corporate social responsibility, governance and corporate reputation. New Jersey: World Scientific. Husted, B. and Allen, D. (2011).Corporate social strategy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Idowu, S. and Louche, C. (2011).Theory and practice of corporate social responsibility. Heidelberg: Springer. Ihlen, ., Bartlett, J. and May, S. (2011).The handbook of communication and corporate social responsibility. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. Kroeze, C. (2011).Technology and sustainability. Amsterdam: Techne Press. Lister, J. (2011).Corporate social responsibility and the state. Vancouver: UBC Press. Loosemore, M. and Phua, F. (2011).Responsible corporate strategy in construction and engineering. London: Spon Press. Mohrman, S. and Shani, A. (2011).Organizing for sustainability. Bingley: Emerald Group Pub. Morris, P. and Jamieson, A. (2012).Translating corporate strategy into project strategy. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. Sanford, C. (2011).The responsible business. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Wiersema, M. and Beck, J. (2011).Corporate strategy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Pub.
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