In A Research Paper Information That Expands On The Topic But That Does Not Fit Well
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Dark Lord Essay
Lightning struck the pinnacle zenith, and briefy the city’s fundamental square was doused in light. A brutal tempest was preparing around the city of Magelan, of the universe of Ralon on the choas planes. All around the city the watchman, wearing mail of shadowy dark, were endeavoring futile to surpress the uproars that where set up. Individuals had accepted the approaching tempest as a sign from the divine beings, to ascend and oust the underhandedness Maraj who controlled their city. †The absurd humans have taken our trap, their city is in choas my Dark Lord Iekkob†The bodyless voice resounded around the diminish moon-lit passageway office of the extraordinary royal residence. Out of nowhere, with a burst of fire and inpenitrible dark smoke, a figure showed up. Gradually turning out to be less foggy the figure strolled towards the base of the steps, leaving singed impressions in the sparkling marble floor. As the figure came to the sift hold of the precious stone flight of stairs, one of the sculptures that lined dividers apathetically strolled towards him. The statued man was not, at this point a rock dim yet shrowded in dark and dim ruby robes. †My Lord Iekkob †The voice sounded once more, however it was not, at this point bodyless. The statued man talked it, delicately, subtly, yet unmistakably. †I am satisfied, Liwl, you have tricked these regrettable humans well. The planes of choas are presently suitably named gratitude to your teachery. †The one named Liwl grinned at his evident Dark Lord, who had now come into full center, his shroud consuming searing red to coordinate the ashes shining in his eyes. †Thank you my Lord, I did as you trained. Each sanctuary, each minister, trusted me their god and followed my requests without question †Yes†¦ that is the thing that stresses me. As powerless disapproved as the individuals who abide upon the Ethereal Plane are, they would have detected an interruption in one of their sanctuaries. Particularly by you Liwl, they are particularly dubious of the God of Assains and Thiefs. †For a second he looked upwards towards the highest point of the steps, caustiosly. At that point it passed, a demeanor of certainty and force developed about him, and he developed in size as he, with an incredible breadth of his shroud, rose above the extraordinary flight of stairs in a single jump. He was firmly trailed by Liwl, who had climbed the steps unobtrusively, rapidly, trying to remain in the shadows. †Hey you ! Laborer ! What are you doing inside the royal residence ! †yelled a gatekeeper of the royal residence, defensively covered in sparkling gold mail. The Dark Lord took a gander at the man running towards him, drawing his schimitar, and snickered. The sound punctured the air, and as it did the watchman halted. With a look of extraordinary agony he tumbled to the floor, blood presently pouring from his skin. He lay there wriggling, spasming with torment. The Dark Lord quit giggling, looked at his casualty, and with a slight development of his hand burned the body. †My Lord, I have discovered the entryway ! †yelled Liwl, from the furthest left of the arrival. †Open it Lwil, rapidly, we can't represent these postponements. I dread the Ethereal Planes will know about our arrangements quickly. †Acting with lightning speed Liwl drew two blades from inside his shroud, and struck the lock. The very royal residence shook and with an electrical jolt he was tossed against the divider at the opposite side of the arrival. †As I suspected, Rezarf you esteem your God of Time without question. You comprehend the force she wields†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Liwl GET UP ! †Liwl obdentialy bounced to his feet and followed his lord the Dark Lord to the entryway, presently sparkling with arcanic runes. Iekkob drew forward a staff of sort, enlivened with skulls of a wide range of races, and tapped the entryway delicately. Blast The entryway took off its pivots, flying through the room it was guarding. †I see you are here Iekkob. I should state I was expecting you when I heard what was occurring outside the royal residence. †Through the smoke and residue the slim figure of a young lady strolled towards the Dark Lord. †You are more intelligent than Rezarf gives you credit, Yholl. Are you certain you won't go along with me, the God of Time will help my battle well. †You now where my alligance lies. Return to the Nine Hells and plot with your Daemon workers ! The Gift of Time will just guide Good. †Shouted Yholl, her eyes sparkling splendidly. †Now leave, you can't hurt me here, you surprisingly realize you can just damage an Ethereal Being on the Ethereal Planes. ††True, yet then I don't wish to hurt you. You just acquired the intensity of Time in light of the fact that your predessor lost his forces during the Time of Troubles. What's more, presently you to will stroll with the humans. †Iekkob giggled, that abrasive penetrating snicker once more, and before Yholl could respond he had pushed his hand outwards. A light emission showed up between his hand and Yholls chest, and gradually a circle of sparkling gold moved along it towards him. Yholl let out a shout as the circle entered the Dark Lord. †It is done Liwl, the God of Time is exiled to the human curl. As is the main force Rezarf could use to stop me. ††But sir, for what reason did you not simply set aside the intensity of effort for yourself†¦. or then again one of your dependable hirelings. †said Liwl bowing, his long nose practically contacting the floor. †Beacuse my†¦ faithful hireling †he giggled once more, and the human Yholl fell wimpering to the floor †I can't utilize powers intended for good, and I can't permit anybody, ESPECIALLY, a dependable worker to posess a force that can stop even me. †And with that he disapeared. Liwl glanced around at the debrey around the floor, and the wimpering mortal who was previously the amazing God of Tme, and with a swoosh of his shadowy shroud followed his lord into nothingness.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
When the War Comes to an End Expansion, Panic and Surge of Nationalism
Of all the military clashes which happened in the USA over its long and great history, there is not really a solitary one which could be as ailing in commonsense outcomes and, oddly enough, activating the same number of results as the renowned 1812 war. Prompting a various modifications in the circle of the global connections between the United States and the remainder of the world, the 1812 war proclaimed another period in the improvement of the USA and brought forth the flood of the patriotism in 1820ies.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on When the War Comes to an End: Expansion, Panic and Surge of Nationalism explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It can be proposed that the Treaty was just the impetus of the procedure which has been fermenting for very long inside the nation. As O’Neill and Benn clarify, the extension procedure activated by the disagreement on the Ghent Treaty conditions was greeted wholeheartedly by a large portion of the US A populace; with a lion's share supporting the development, the procedure was irreversible: â€Å"Many Americans bolstered the extension; for a few, the ejection of Britain from the mainland spoke to a characteristic advance in accomplishing the republic’s destiny†(O’Neill Benn, 2011, 14). At last, the way that the American Treasury was near the precarious edge of its chapter 11 must be considered. After the war, which requested significant measure of money related and HR, the nation required budgetary help gravely, yet the main door to obtaining OK help, i.e., exchanging with different nations and raising the monetary situation inside the nation, was hindered by the prevailing British Empire. As Snow Drew (2010) clarify, â€Å"paying for war took steps to bankrupt the treasury by 1814, American abroad exchange was diminished by a stream by the Royal Navy’s barricade, and the blend of these monetary components created runaway inflation†(267). Alo ng these lines, the last and the most significant reason for the development uncovers itself. On account of the continuous control of Britain, the U. S. couldn't exchange effectively and get the greatest benefit out of the universal connections, which prodded the further development. In this manner, the extension of the United States was brought about by such reasons as the post-war pulverization, the British predominance and the unsuitable aftereffects of the Ghent Treaty. Thus roots another issue worth contemplations †the notorious frenzy of the 1819. Upgraded by the acknowledgment of the U. S. inability to develop monetarily and improve the post-war situation, the dread of neediness and decimation grasped the United States. Notwithstanding, it was not just the overcompensation brought about by the post-war stun that improved the infamous frenzy of the 1819. As indicated by what Rothbard (2007) says, the condition of the USA economy and banking left a lot to be wanted and cou ld be utilized as the reason for genuine concern. To be progressively exact, it was the money related framework which neglected to satisfy the needs set by the worldwide standards:Advertising Looking for exposition on history? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The fiscal arrangement of the nation was not profoundly evolved. The banks, outside of New England at any rate, were restricted solely to the urban areas. Their techniques would in general be careless; government control was unimportant; and the way that most banks inside and between states. (Rothbard, 2007, 2) Therefore, there were adequate purposes behind the frenzy in 1819, principally in light of the fact that the fiscal framework didn't satisfy the guidelines of Europe. Breaking the square which the British Empire set for the United States, the last didn't hope to experience the various issues which brought forth from the defective American monetary and affordable framework. At last, tending to the flood of patriotism after the1812 war, one can guarantee that it was the mix of the previously mentioned issues which caused the last mentioned. Liberating the nation structure the impact of the British Empire, increasing adequate measure of opportunity and perceiving the issues which the opportunity triggers, the USA populace at last recovered its personality. Be that as it may, it must be referenced that the way toward creating patriot thoughts in the USA of the post-war time was a long way from being subliminal. Understanding the force which patriotism gave, the USA political powers improved the last extensively: The monetary program embraced by Congress, including another national bank and a defensive duty, mirrored the developing sentiment of national solidarity. The U. S. Preeminent Court likewise advanced the soul of patriotism by setting up the rule of government incomparability. (Davis Mintz, 2000, 342) Thus, clearly the purposes behind th e progressions which followed the war of 1812 and changed the political and efficient condition of the USA were caused not by the war itself, yet by the aftereffects of the Treaty which finished the war and underlined each and every shortcoming of the then USA. Uncovering the disadvantages in the political and prudent condition of the nation, the Ghent Treaty prodded the post war extension, permitting the United States to beat the hindrances set by the British Empire and make exchange with the remainder of the world conceivable without a predominant middle person. Accomplished at the expense of their soundness, important prudent and monetary opportunity merited the consequences.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on When the War Comes to an End: Expansion, Panic and Surge of Nationalism explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference List Davis, D. B., Mintz, S. (2000). The rowdy ocean of freedom: A narrative historyâ of America from disclosure thr ough the Civil War. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. O’Neill, R., Benn, C. (2011). The war of 1812: The battle for American exchange rights. New York, NY: Rosen Publishing Group. Day off. M., Drew, D. M. (2010). From Lexington to Baghdad and past: Warâ and governmental issues in the American experience. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe. Rothbard, M. N. (2007). The frenzy of 1819: Reactions and approaches. Coppery, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute. This paper on When the War Comes to an End: Expansion, Panic and Surge of Nationalism was composed and put together by client Everett Cain to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Free Spirit Publishings Social-Emotional Resources, Part II
Free Spirit Publishings Social-Emotional Resources, Part II Our latest updates for the week of August 6, 2017. As part of our back-to-school updates on TeacherVision, we've added more social-emotional learning and character education materials for teachers, students and parents. Use the six Free Spirit Publishing pieces found belowâ?which deal with bullying, learning from past mistakes, and identifying student learning preferencesâ?to guide your students towards becoming their best selves. Warning Signs of Bullying Designed to help both teachers and parents, this resource covers 14 physical, emotional, and behavioral warning signs that indicate that a child is being bullied or at risk for bullying. oung people encounter, Free Spirit has had the same mission for more than 30 years: to provide children and teensâ?and the adults who care for and about themâ?with the tools they need to think for themselves, overcome challenges, and make a difference in the world. If you missed Part I, you can find it here. Let's connect! Follow TeacherVision on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Qantas Understanding Organisations Essay - 2806 Words
Understanding organisations – Case Analysis MMM262 Matthew Acciarito Contents: Introduction - 3 Modernist Analysis – 4 Environment - 4 Social structure - 5 Technology - 5 Culture - 6 Problem Statement - 7 Solutions – 7/8 Symbolic – Interpretive Critique - 9 Post Modern Critique - 10 Conclusion - 11 Reference List - 12 Introduction Qantas is the world’s second oldest airline, founded in the Queensland outback in 1920. The organisation has dominated the Australian aviation industry to now be the largest domestic and international airline, employing approximately 37,500 people within 44 different countries becoming one of Australia’s strongest brands. This report will analyse the company†¦show more content†¦This intricate social structure within organization also comes with excessive labour costs. Although the mechanistic management system is the most appropriate for Qantas and other airlines in the industry, repeat problems tend to arise, close supervision and controlled centralization. When under immense pressure due to an unstable environment this system may be put to question, where as an organic system has greater flexibility and constant innovation that may handle this pressure much more efficiently. Technology Technology plays a major role within the aviation industry. As technology advances the company becomes more efficient, more out puts for fewer inputs. Within Qantas to be successful means to be up to date with the latest in technology, this includes hardware and software but also advanced technical systems. The Qantas typology of technology is the Thomson typology; this is based around three general types, long-linked, mediating and also intensive (Hatch, MJ and Cunliffe, AL 2006). Particularly focused on the intensive segment, this requires coordinating the specialized abilities of two or more experts in the transformation of a usually unique input to a customized output (Hatch, MJ and Cunliffe, AL 2006). The key feature of intensive technology is organisations must select, combine, and apply tasks based on the feedback received from the output produced (Sikdar, A 2008). This is Qantas’s current process,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Qantas Airlines An Organization Situational A nalysis1047 Words  | 5 Pagessituational analysis of Qantas Airlines. An organisations situational analysis refers to an analysis that consists of ascertaining the key factors that will be used as a basis for development of marketing strategy. (Elliot 2014). Situational analysis consists of the environment analysis (both internal and external environment), competitor’s analysis and finally the swot analysis. By analysing those elements stated above, it is likely that the higher authority could evaluate the organisations in terms of itsRead MoreSituational Analysis Of Qantas Airlines Situational Analysis1211 Words  | 5 Pagessituational analysis of Qantas Airlines. An organisations situational analysis refers to an analysis that consists of ascertaining the key factors that will be used as a basis for development of marketing strategy. (Elliot 2014). Situational analysis consists of the environment analysis (both internal and external environment), competitor’s analysis and finally the swot analysis. By analysing those elements stated above, it is likely that the higher authority could evaluate the organisations in terms of itsRead MoreA Leading Airline Group With Effective Security Systems And Culture1603 Words  | 7 Pagessecurity systems and culture’. Qantas requires an organisational culture of behaviours that support its security vision, policies and procedures. With direction from the Board, the airline has embarked on a journey to identify its current security culture and develop a method to assess and improve the culture going forward. 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It involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are efficient in terms of using as few resources as needed and effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. Qantas has grown to be Australia s largest domestic and international airline. Its forte is acquiring customer satisfaction through the operations process, the use of its technology as well as its corporate social responsibility. Operations process includesRead MoreBusiness Objectives Of Qantas Airways Limited1655 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction: Qantas is established in the Queensland outback in 1920 and after that it has become biggest domestic and international airline and strong brand in the Australia. It is enrolled as the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited (QANTAS) and the group two airlines brands are Qantas and Jetstar those provides transportation services of the customers. Qantas created its strong brand reputation through deliver safe and secure services, focus on customer services, maintainRead MoreThe Marketing Objectives Of Qantas Airlines1404 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Organisations come to exist to fulfill many purposes and reasons. For example some pursue to provide essential services for the community benefit, whereas others for profit produce goods or services. Therefore in general terms business plays a role in overall contribution of our society. The market today is very strong and competitive. Hence marketing activities often can be a differentiating factor between industry leaders and the other market players. The purpose of this report is
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Single Parent Child And Adolescent Psychology - 1832 Words
Single Parent Children Miranda I Prowse Trine University: Child Adolescent Psychology Single Parent Children In today’s society it is not uncommon for children to grow up in a single parent household. There are multiple reasons behind this factor, such as, one parent could have passed away, the parents where never married to begin with, or divorce. Being a single parent can be a challenge at times, however people manage to make it work if they find themselves in that situation. If a person finds themselves having to raise a child or children on their own, this parent also has to work long hours in order to provide for their children. Not only is the parent affected, but so is the child. When looking back at how far our society has come in the last fifty years, we see a rapid growth in the divorce rate. If you think about your grandparents or great grandparents, chances are they were probably still married. When thinking about our parents or ourselves chances are some if not half are divorced. What some people do not realize is that with the growing rate of divorce, there is growing evidence that divorce has an adverse effect on children’s development (Sarason Sarason, 2005). By people getting married, having children, and then getting divorced; it is causing long term psychological damage to their children and having adverse effects. A study was conducted in 1984 that showed nearly 12 million children lived in a single parent home and 88% ofShow MoreRelatedAppendicitis Is The Inflammation Of The Appendix, Which1693 Words  | 7 Pagespathiophysiology of appendicitis, secondly it will cover the theories of growth and development of a 10-year-old adolescent, the third topic covered will be family centred care. Lastly covered will be the affects hospitalisation has on the 10-year-old adolescent and their family. This paper will be focused on a casey study, a 10-year-old adolescent experiencing appendicitis whilst being supported by her parents. Appendicitis is an aggressive disease that consists of 5 stages that can last between a 24 and upRead MoreThe Controversy Regarding Teenage Pregnancy: The Essential Role of Education and Good Parenting1270 Words  | 5 Pageseducation regarding the issue should be provided with an increased attention because taxpayers end up billions of dollars on a yearly basis with the purpose of assisting teenage parents. In addition to this, society suffers because most teenagers who become pregnant are unlikely to finish high school. Children of teen parents are probable to suffer more health problems and to perform poorly during school, given that they are typically provided with underprivileged environments. Most developed countriesRead MoreEssay about Effects of divorce on elementary-school aged children1279 Words  | 6 PagesIn America, divorce rates are at an all time high. A divorce between the parents of elementary students can be devastating in a young child’s life. Divorce causes stress for children not only at home, but also at school. Children of divorced or separated parents often have to commute between houses. Not only do they have to deal with the pain of parents separating, they also may feel as if they caused their parent’s problems. Parental divorce has negative effects on children’s academic achievementRead MoreMy Father Was An Active Member Of The Marine Corps Essay1482 Words  | 6 Pages The two of us were never close, we never see eye to eye, and we can barely hold a conversation that lasts longer than five minutes. My mom was seventeen when she had me, so we lived with her parents for almost the first six years of my life. My grandparents were like a second set of parents for me, and they did everything for me. My father had asked my mom to be with him and move down to South Carolina, but my mom was so young and afraid to leave for many reasons. After my father was dischargedRead MoreThe Role Of Father Involvement For Children Development Essay1535 Words  | 7 Pages Keywords: Development, Father, Involvement, Roles Cognitive Development Cognitive Development is a field of study in neuroscience and psychology focusing on a child’s development in terms of information processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and other aspects of brain development and cognitive psychology compared to an adult’s point of view. 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According to Anokam (2002), the prevalence of conduct disorder among Nigerian adolescents has increased in the last three years in terms of frequency of recorded delinquent crimes and number of adolescents involved. Okonkwo, Ezeani and Nwagbo (1999) also reported that 60% of persons arrested in Nigeria for crimes of violence, armed robbery, substance abuse, and arson were juveniles. Cult activitiesRead More Television Violence Is Not the Problem Essay880 Words  | 4 Pages    Weve all heard the numbers on the amount of television that children watch and the amount of violence that theyre exposed to. In fact, sources that blame TV for childrens conduct quote this kind of data profusely. American children and adolescents spend 22-28 hours per week viewing television more than any other activity except sleeping (_Effects of Television_). These kinds of facts are strewn about with the hopes of convincing the public that television is to blame for childrens misbehaviorsRead MoreFamily Structure, Father Involvement936 Words  | 4 Pagesand good adolescent Behavioral Outcomes (if all the rest goes well/ â€Å"normal†). In the following two articles we will see if father involvement has any outcomes: 1.†A father s love is one of the greatest influences on personality development†, which was published in Science Daily newspaper and 2. â€Å"Family Structure, Father Involvement†published in the Journal of Marriage an d Family 68 According to recent studies, the love of a father contributes as much and sometimes even more to a child s developmentRead MoreAdolescent Parenthood : An Issue Of Public Concern For Many Years1267 Words  | 6 PagesAdolescent parenthood has been an issue of public concern for many years. Adolescent parenthood has been the subject of numerous articles, public health reports, and public debate. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Leeuwin Current Free Essays
The Leeuwin Current is a warm ocean current that flows towards the south around the Western Australian coast and turns towards the east passing through Cape Leeuwin. It continues towards the Great Australian Bight influencing as far as Tasmania. It was discovered a hundred years ago when an investigation of the marine life of the Abrolhos Islands was conducted by William Saville-Kent. We will write a custom essay sample on The Leeuwin Current or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was alleged that there was a warm current flowing towards the south off Western Australia instead of the anticipated cool current that was going towards the north in the bounds of southern Africa and South America. This supposition was based on his observations of warm waters and tropical marine flora and fauna around the Abrolhos Islands. It was only during the dawn of the satellite technology in 1970s that the existence of the southwards-flowing current was finally confirmed. It was then named the Leeuwin Current by George Cresswell and Terry Golding, with its name coming from a merchant ship called Leeuwin, which meant Lioness. The Leeuwin current’s strength varied all through out the year. Its current was strongest during autumn and winter, on the months of April to October, because the opposing winds are weakest. The weakest Leeuwin current’s strength, on the other hand, is weakest during November to March. It is during this season when there are strong winds blowing towards the north opposing the southwards flow of the current. The most productive fisheries are due to the Leeuwin current’s rush of cool waters rich with nutrients. Here are the contributions that the Leeuwin current brought to the marine life and the aquatic environment that it flows through. The existence of true corals at the Abrolhos Islands and the transport of tropical marine species at the west coast and onto the Great Australian Bight are due to this current. This is because the Leeuwin Current causes the continental shelf waters of Western Australia to be warmer in winter than the regions equivalent of that in southern Africa and Chile during summer. The Houtman Abrolhos Islands which is near the edge of the continental shift off of Geraldton, is the southernmost true building corals in the Indian Ocean partly due to the effect of the nutrient-rich tropical waters of the Leeuwin current. The Leeuwin current is seldom to flow around the east of Rottnest but it oftentimes pass by its western and southwestern areas thereby also influencing the flora and fauna there. The coastal waters are relatively nutrient-poor and the fisheries are correspondingly different due to the tropical Leeuwin Current, thus we can infer that the current has a very important impact on both the climate and the marine ecosystem of Western Australia. It is also accountable for the availability of tropical marine organisms at the west and south coasts, as much far south than it could be expected. As a sample, the Leeuwin current was a major contributor to the southern bluefin tuna, the western rock lobster and a number of Australia’s coastal commercial fisheries. As it was seen by collective investigative reports done by CSIRO and the Fisheries Western Australia that spanned for the past 30 years, it was confirmed that there was a link between ocean circulation and lobster recruitment. During late winter and early spring, the puerulus, or the small rock lobsters, are carried by ocean currents back to the continental shelf and inshore coastal regions. Studies had shown that the settlement of these small rock lobsters were closely related with the changes in the flow strength of the Leeuwin Current, which is also linked with the occurrences of El Nino – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events and westerly winds. It was discovered that puerulus settlement was poor during the El Nino years, when the Leeuwin Current tends to be weak. Also, during the La Nina years, the Current tends to flow more strongly and the rock lobsters settlement was much greater as was measured by satellite sensors. The results simply showed that larger counter-clockwise eddies help larvae settle off the south western Australia, instead of being swept away towards the south. Other species that the WA Fisheries marine biologists were able to link to the strength of the Leeuwin current was that of the pilchards (sardines) on the south coast region near Albany. Also, according to data on fishery, it was seen that there is a negative relationship between the great quantities of the two-year fish with the strength of the Leeuwin Current, measured two years before the fishes’ spawning period. Another was also the whitebait. According to studies, it was concluded that the stronger the Leeuwin Current was, the greater the relative catch of whitebait will be in the next year. The presence of Australian salmon in South Australia was also related to the Leeuwin Current.It was expected that when the Leeuwin Current was flowing strongly and that warmer waters penetrate onto the continental shelf, it was also expected that the fish may simply migrate offshore into deeper cooler waters. References: Leeuwin Current. (n.d.) Retrieved August 14, 2007 from A. F. Pearce and B. F. Phillips. (1988). ENSO events, the Leeuwin Current, and larval recruitment of the western rock lobster. Retrieved August 14, 2007 from  How to cite The Leeuwin Current, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Policy and Planning for Sustainable Developments
Question: Write an essay on "Policy and Planning for Sustainable Development". Answer: Listing the Policy Directions It requires understanding the concept of sustainable livelihoods in policy directions. It limits experiences as well as concentrates on identification of characteristics in policy process in SL approach (Wiersema and Beck 2011). It brings out issues related to changes in paradigm as well as significance in the policy directions for the same. Changing role of the State implies access towards vulnerable to services. It is the withdrawal of State in provision of goods as well as services in restricted access on poorer households in geographical remotes areas at the same time. Increased focus on Gender is another issue from the last decade. It aids in organization as well as tries in ensuring programmes in inclusive of gender equality. Increased number of countries engages in introduction of legislative for right of women inheritance (Sanford 2011). Policy Directions implies frameworks and tools used by varied agencies as a whole. It uses all shares and basic concepts of sustainable livelihoods. Using such frameworks contains some important elements like an analysis for causing vulnerability. It includes trends, seasonality as well as fragility of natural resources. It stresses on matters like economic, social as well as political context. It includes an analysis of assets at individual as well as community level. It consists of human, social and physical natural resource assets for the same. It reveals context within livelihoods for policies concerning at micro as well as macro levels in an overall manner. It ensures livelihood strategies like restricted to consumption, production as well as exchange activities in the most appropriate way. It results in livelihood outcomes that are assessed in multi-dimensional form like greater sustainability of natural resources. It leads to reduced vulnerability as well as increased income i n the near future. It is important to understand the fact that shareholders reveals information regarding banking details as well as tax file number in case of dividend payments. It identifies the stakeholders as well as group company employees for providing services in group companies in desired form. It includes suppliers for collection of information in business-related purposes (Morris and Jamieson 2012). It ensures job applicants, employment as well as academic histories in providing health-related information. These policies explain on official private policy of Wesfarmers. It explains collection as well as disclosure of personal information. It aims at explaining at the rights in assessing as well as correcting the information in making complaint regarding handling personal information in the near future. Listing the key contents of Policy Directions The main key contents of Policy Directions include: The Sector Approach This component in policy decisions supports the SL approach in developing purpose. It promotes ways in response to perceived shortcomings of project-lead assistance. It is criticized as well as ignored on cross-sectional nature of livelihoods and non-participative in nature (Morris and Jamieson 2012). It increases the food security policy and planning for marginalization of main sectoral concerns in major line ministries. It inquires for more appropriate way forward for acknowledging the strengths of the sector approach. It is perfect way for increasing the future effectiveness in development. It aids in establishing realistic as well as effective management and budgetary frameworks at same sectoral levels. It helps in exploring ways in making the planning as well as policy process in participative and responsive at the same time. As per the recent Eritrean experience, it indicates facts on integration of essential sectoral process in the most appropriate way. Good Governance It is increasingly one of the important elements for aiding relationship in desired ways. It is the mechanism process as well as institutions whereby citizens and groups aim at articulating interests (Mohrman and Shani 2011). It exercises over legal rights as well as meeting obligations in mediating the differences in an overall manner. Right-based approach- It aims at overlapping with good governance on usage of legal system. It focuses on political system for advancement of disadvantaged groups in society in practical course of action. Establishment of rights ensures in form of legal framework resulting in form of political process for the same. It signed declarations on matters relating to global conventions. It incorporates rights in form of national legislation in progressive judiciary as well as legal system in accessing for broad spectrum in the population. Discussion and analysis as to why these directions are necessary Figure: Significance of Policy Decisions It mainly aims at providing provision for technical assistance in form of expatriate policy analysis as well as adviser in national governments. It ensures capacity-building as well as training for national advisors in civil service officers. It implements policy analysis for assisting donor community in providing effective as well as focused projects and programmes in budgetary support to national governments (Lister 2011). It reveals funding as well as training in assisting non-governmental partners in playing part in the policy process for the same. It plays role as multilateral as well as bilateral agencies in International NGOs in the policy process as formulated at various levels. It highlights the important process as well as different sections of the policy environment in the near future (Kroeze 2011). It is easy to conclude discussion on policy and planning on sustainable development. In the first option, it explains regarding policy making as well as Environmental Sustainab le Development policies for future analysis purpose. In the next stage, policies are taken into consideration. It views at the privacy policies of organization as well as management policies at the same time. It takes steps in ensuring service providers in protecting the privacy as well as securing personal information in general purpose. It renders cloud computing solutions as well as data storage in located overseas in case of information and under computer servers in and outside Australia. It is of prime responsibilities in communicating the policies to the potential stakeholders. It should be complied in legal obligations to shareholders as well as processing of payment. It enables third party service providers in providing information on companys information technology, legal advice as well as auditing and mailing services in an overall manner. It relates ways for share register as well as group employees for sharing of plan for future analysis purpose. It correspond ways with people as well as dealing with feedback at the same time. It requires information regarding people in regard with corporate sponsorships. It recruits as well as assesses corporate sponsorships and maintaining records in the most appropriate way. Discussion on the specific ESD principles Ecologically Sustainable Development reveals one of the greatest challenges faced by Australian governments, industry as well as business and community in the upcoming years. It uses as well as enhances community resources in the ecological process in maintaining total quality life in the near future (Ihlen, Bartlett and May 2011). ESD develops ways in meeting the needs of the Australian in the current scenario. It conserves ecosystems that benefits future generations for the same. It needs developing ways for environmental resources and maintaining future acknowledgement as far as possible. It utilizes resources in developing industry as well as generating employment for the same. It enables developing of coordinated approach for many reasons. It needs to consider integrated way for economic as well as social environmental implications in decisions actions in and around Australia. It needs to undertake long-term as well as short-term approach in taking decisions and actions in an ov erall manner (Idowu and Louche 2011). Discussion on why these contents are necessary in relation with ESD principles Ecologically Sustainable development helps in improving in the total quality of life that maintains ecological process. It requires enhancing individual as well as community well-being and welfare for the same (Husted and Allen 2011). It follows path in form of economic development for safeguarding welfare of future generations in the most appropriate way. It helps in providing equity in and between generations. It ensures providing biological diversity as well as maintaining essential ecological process in life-support systems. ESD helps in decision-making process that integrates long as well as short-term economic, social as well as environmental and equity considerations for future analysis purpose (Gottschalk 2011). It poses serious threats leading to environmental damage as well as lack of scientific certainty on an adverse manner. Role of State or Local governments in regards with Policy Direction Policy Directions enables developing strong as well as diversified economy in enhancement of capacity in case of environmental protection for recognition purpose (Furrer 2011). It requires maintaining as well as enhancing ways for international competitiveness in socially feasible ways. It is cost effective as well as flexible policy instruments in adopting improved valuation, pricing and incentive mechanisms. It is important to understand the fact that shareholders reveals information regarding banking details as well as tax file number in case of dividend payments. It identifies the stakeholders as well as group company employees for providing services in group companies in desired form. It includes suppliers for collection of information in business-related purposes (Morris and Jamieson 2012). It ensures job applicants, employment as well as academic histories in providing health-related information. These policies explain on official private policy of Wesfarmers. It explains coll ection as well as disclosure of personal information. It aims at explaining at the rights in assessing as well as correcting the information in making complaint regarding handling personal information in the near future. Data information includes reporting policies on Wesfarmers. It engages in dealings that engage in products for future analysis purpose. It takes into account dishonest, fraudulent as well as corrupt activity including bribery and other activities in breach of Wesfarmers in against Anti Bribery Policy (Carvallo and Cooper 2011). It deals with minimization of illegal activities like drug sale, violence as well as harassment and criminal damage towards property and other breaches of State or Federal Law. It potentially damages the company and requires in finding ways in reducing it as far as possible. It employs third party like unsafe work practices, environmental damage as well as health risk or abuse of Wesfarmers property and resources for the same. It gives rise t o cause financial loss to Wesfarmers as well as damage towards reputation in detrimental to Wesfarmers interests in the near future (Blowfield and Murray 2011). Discussion on the policy directions in implementation by State or Local Government As far as State Government is concerned, it adds setting strategic and policy framework for making necessary changes in making institutional arrangements for ensuring ESD principles. It establishes in effective collaboration arrangements in reviewing the charters as well as corporate plan in relevant government agencies including ESD objectives (Dringoli 2011). Success requires essential changes patterns in decision-making process as well as actions by groups and individuals. It ensures bringing significant changes in increased level of awareness in development and environmental problems for ultimate solutions. Government carries away with ESD related actions as well as actions in unequal burden for particular regions in society. It includes appropriateness of policies as well as progress on implementation in varied regions. Reference List Baxter, R. and Woodside, A. (2011).Interfirm networks. Bingley: Emerald Group Pub. Blowfield, M. and Murray, A. (2011).Corporate responsibility. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Carvallo, A. and Cooper, J. (2011).The advanced smart grid. Boston: Artech House. Chakrabarty, B. (2011).Corporate social responsibility in India. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Contractor, F. (2011).Global outsourcing and offshoring. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Dringoli, A. (2011).Corporate strategy and firm growth. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Furrer, O. (2011).Corporate level strategy. London: Routledge. Gottschalk, P. (2011).Corporate social responsibility, governance and corporate reputation. New Jersey: World Scientific. Husted, B. and Allen, D. (2011).Corporate social strategy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Idowu, S. and Louche, C. (2011).Theory and practice of corporate social responsibility. Heidelberg: Springer. Ihlen, ., Bartlett, J. and May, S. (2011).The handbook of communication and corporate social responsibility. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. Kroeze, C. (2011).Technology and sustainability. Amsterdam: Techne Press. Lister, J. (2011).Corporate social responsibility and the state. Vancouver: UBC Press. Loosemore, M. and Phua, F. (2011).Responsible corporate strategy in construction and engineering. London: Spon Press. Mohrman, S. and Shani, A. (2011).Organizing for sustainability. Bingley: Emerald Group Pub. Morris, P. and Jamieson, A. (2012).Translating corporate strategy into project strategy. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. Sanford, C. (2011).The responsible business. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Wiersema, M. and Beck, J. (2011).Corporate strategy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Pub.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Premium Beer Market in Thailand free essay sample
There were various kinds of determinants influencing the enlargement of the beer market; especially the cause from gas price has risen up high like never before. Deriving the consumer products price had to be adjusted to avoid suffering from higher cost of production and transportation. On the other end, consumer’s purchasing power had become lower due to the higher cost of living; driving them to adapt to the economic situation they were facing. From the observation in the beer market, we could notice there were obvious changes in consumer’s behavior; consumers or drinkers tended to shift from having large size of beer 640ml. to the smaller size 330ml. in the form of small bottle or can. Moreover, there was a slightly drop in the frequency of buying beer also. In addition, government sectors also had plan in process to leverage IRS tax on alcohol beverage as the European Union had implemented it before in order to improve the social overall status and also eliminate beer industry pitfalls. We will write a custom essay sample on Premium Beer Market in Thailand or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Year 2006 In this year, there were many interesting movements occurring in the premium beer market. Beer manufacturers in the premium segment had planned an expansion in their production base to penetrate in other potential segments which were most likely to be the offering in light beer; providing more choices for consumers, containing less amount of alcohol or to be exact, lower than 5%. From the total amount of alcohol contained, although light beers were obviously positioned separately from the premium segment, still, they had become the new face of drinking premium beer which targeting on consumer who loves to drink healthier responded to the healthy concerning issues and rend in nowadays. Most importantly was light beers were actually sold in the cheaper price than premium beers. Plus with the facts that light beer market was still in the introduction stage, holding only 35 million liters in total production quantity or only 2% of the market shares in beer industry; therefore, showed that the light beers market still had more potential growth along the way (Source: Thai Bever age Marketing CO. LTD/Prachachat Newspaper: March 13th 2006) For the entrepreneur in light beers segment, San Miguel, the first brand penetrated into this market, was using the ‘Push Strategy’ in the early stage, implementing the intensive distribution to cover all convenience stores and on-premise market like pubs, bars, and restaurant in order to take advantages of being the first offering in the market. On the other hand, Chang Beer, who had been testing the light beer market since year 2005, decided to officially commercialize Chang Light into the premium market in March 2006; at a price of 45 baht per bottle which contains 4. 2% of alcohol volume; also implementing ‘sport marketing’ or ‘event sponsorship’ through golf and related activities. By March 2006, Singha Light was introduced to the premium market in Thailand. Although Singha was planning to focus on exporting their light beers to penetrate in Europe and America continents, but because of the high volume of alcohol up to 6% containing Singha Beer, it caused them to face with higher tax than the competitors. Plus, most drinkers in those markets preferred drinking beers with low degree of alcohol. Apart from that, Singha Light also put more focuses on driving the local market. Singha spent its marketing budget up to 150 million baht to present â€Å"Singha Light: The North Pole Challenge†in order to seek for 4 Thai persons getting once in a life time chance to travel up to the North Pole. Moreover, in this year, the government sectors had pushed through the new legislative law to be the mandatory for all alcoholic beverages. The law basically consisted of the regulations on selling and having to specific age of buyers, time and place of distribution. In addition, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or ORYOR) had come up with the restriction of having any kind of advertisements relating to alcoholic beverages except print advertorial section in non-Thai magazines and other media. These regulations were officially brought to used on December 3, 2006 and immediately caused all the billboards, logos, brand related signs to be taken down and prohibited. Pubs, bars, restaurants, and also convenience stores were forced not to put any signs or logos of alcoholic beverage which could be seen clearly from outside the facilities. However, there were some exceptions were allowed in the case of social responsibility or tourism related activities. For example, the regulation stated that the facilities providing alcoholic beverages must also provide other non-alcoholic beverages like drinking water or sparkling/soda water etc. The company name must not be the same or rhyme with the name of the alcoholic drinks brand; and marketing strategy like ‘corporate brand image’ was prohibited like naming the company ‘Beer Thai’. For other marketing promotional tools like using pretty girls, the regulation still allowed them to dress in color to indicate the brand but the logos of the brand on the clothes including umbrella were prohibited; and for the issue of specialties or free giveaways that contained any logos indicating brand was postponed to be reconsider for the appropriateness. Year 2007 With the continuation of rapidly gas price rising situation, it was bad influencing the consumers to construct the negative perspective towards the stability spending and earning in the upcoming future and also directly affected the consumer’s behavior. As observed from the quantity of total beers sold in the early April, which usually the most profitable season of the beer industry; 143. 5 million liters comparing to the average sales from other months 140. 6 million liters or 2. 1%. These numbers obviously reflected the stagnant sales reached as low as 2-3%; dropped from 4-5%; mostly because of the pressure on the purchasing power of consumer due to the government regulation trying to decrease the alcoholic drinks consumption. On the tax regulation issue on beers, The Excise Department had organized into 3 groups and assigned different tax fees depending on each segment. The premium beer will be paying tax at 37 baht/liter; 36 baht/liter for standard market and 28 baht/liter for the economy segment respectively. For the controversial advertising issue since last year was finally settled down in this year with the revised regulations allowing the product image to be on print media but without persuasive messages or any presenter. Also print media was required to put 25% caution message of the total area of the advertisement. And for the mass media especially on television, they had divided into 2 phrases. First phrase, the TV commercials during the 10pm were allowed to put up any logo of the brand to be shown for approximately 5 seconds, and for the second phrase, 30 seconds mark shots were allowed. These changes made had tremendous positive effects to the beer market. However, those regulations were not major obstruction for the beer market. Marketers tried to adjust and improve their strategies and tactics to come up with new way of advertising. Event Marketing was one of their strategies which effectively doubled up the frequency of use. In this year, the expansion of the total beer industry had constructed the 6% growth of both quantity and value. But if we carefully looked through the segments, we would found that the premium beer market had surprisingly decreased by 8%. These were caused by the psychological factors driven consumers’ behavior to decline; plus with the government regulation had made impacts on many brands to seeking for new ways to market their products since back in August 2006 which eventually projected the decline in many firms’ total sales volume. Year 2008 Nowadays, the beer market in Thailand is still holding the attractive market for the imported brands. From the current market condition, we can notice there are many international brands which are trying to penetrate into Thailand’s beer industry to capture their potential market shares; starts off with re-entering of Carlsberg S/A Company, Denmark with the brand ‘Carlsberg’ into Thai beer market; after they had left the Thai market for the last 4-5 years. This comeback of Carlsberg is driven by the their main company in the foreign country; by starting from having the San Miguel’s breweries factory in Pathumthani as their production site. In the meantime, their marketing team has already been put in place and been planning to start their first comeback marketing event in March; and follow with the officially introduction in June. Carlsberg is mainly focusing all their efforts in distribution channel and strategies more than any other aspects. Carlsberg will initiate into the hypermarket and position itself in the same level as Heineken. Apart from that, in March, Thai Beverage Marketing CO. ,LTD. lso has plan preparing the expansion the beer portfolio to cover all the potential markets. Asahi was and still is the leader brand in Japan by having the most market shares in the beer market in Japan; by implementing the intensive distribution as their strategy, available to be purchased everywhere setting the price in the average range. Moreover, there has been improvement in the production procedure and logistics process in order to maintain the freshness and quality of the products and has tried to adjust the taste to be more preferable by Thai drinkers. They started out by focusing mainly on Japanese restaurants in order to construct the new customer base. By the year 2003, they have expanded more of their products into the common market including modern types of distribution channels like supermarkets, hypermarkets, and convenience stores etc. After some recession from the marketing strategies they had been implementing since the end of the year 2003; focusing on the taste of drought beer and plus with the innovative and futuristic of the products under the concept ‘Platinum Beer’ which derived from the sparkle silver-colored wrapped around the bottles and cans. But the selling point is somehow overestimated the perception of Thai drinkers. Therefore, in the year 2004, Asahi had decided to turn the other way around, back to its own origin which was Japan as the selling point along with the message of the bestselling beer in Japan by hoping the J Trend would eventually improve the Asahi Super Dry’s image. The result was quite successful; Asahi had captured the wider market share. By using J Trend, Asahi had effectively reached into the office workers which were employed in the Japanese firm or the group of people who have passionate in Japanese style including college students. Although there was not that large group of buyers, but most of them were likely to be identify as the middle class people, educated and have enough purchasing power. Year 2005 Asahi had decided to renovate the whole marketing strategy by turning to focus mainly on the concept â€Å"Think Difference†with â€Å"Color Marketing Strategy : Universally Communication†. They tried to emphasize on the silver strip on their products to create brand awareness, recognition and recall; distinguished from other brands in premium market. Source : BA Distribution CO. ,LTD. /Prachachat : July 17, 2005) Later on, Asahi had captured more market shares especially the increasing in rural markets; 40% from the eastern and northern part and the rest 60% from Bangkok and Metropolitan. During the second semiannual, Asahi had set the marketing budget up to 120 million baht from the total 180 million baht in order to emphasize on below-the-line 70% and above-the-line 30%. Year 2006 Organizational management structure was rearranged; the management team from Boon Rawd Brewery had come in and totally taken places in all positions in Asahi by deviding the works into two major departments under 4 CEOs; 2 from Japan and 2 from Boon Rawd. Sales department was under the Boon Rawd management team and BA would be taking care all of the marketing activities. Although there was major change in the management team, still they had not changed the positioning of Asahi and maintained its brand as international brand. San Miguel San Miguel first initiated into the beer industry by sponsoring in many golf competition; holding beer booths in many golf courses started from the middle of November and so on. Moreover, San Miguel had distributed their beers through many channels possible. However, San Miguel had the advantages over other competitors in terms of strong financial capability; therefore, San Miguel could use the turnkey operation; letting the 3rd party management team, which specialized in the particular kind of managing, to come in and run the business for them. Year 2005 San Miguel had decided to spend large amount of budget up to 375 million baht to settle down the contract with Pat-Kol Co. ,Ltd. in order to construct 95 rai of ‘Multi-Beverage Production Site’, which could be utilized to manufacture many kinds of beverage like fruit juice, drinking water, ready-to-drink tea/bottled tea, and also soft drinks in Amata City Industrial Park, Rayong. And debut its first brand of beer â€Å"Kirin†2nd market leader from Japan. Year 2007 San Miguel had specified the marketing policies into major brands like San Miguel’s Low Calories Beer, San Mig Light as followed mandatory from the main headquarter. On the local market, San Miguel offered Blue Ice Beer as a standard brand and Red Horse Beer as an economy brand. These brands were already introduced to the Thai beer market for 2 years but they were intended just to test the market, and will be taken out of the market eventually. In this year, San Miguel had planned to emphasize more in below-the-line marketing; increasing from 60% to 70-80% mainly through pubs, bars, and restaurants in order to directly reach the right group of target; and decreased the above-the-line from 40% down to 20-30%. Moreover, they had planned to join with ‘Sugar Beet Restaurant’ in order to boost sales and build more brand awareness. Federbrau Thai Beverage Public Company Limited has just decided to introduce Federbrau into the premium beer market in order to fill up their beer portfolio. They have started off by distributing through on-premise channel like night clubs, pubs, bars since March by offering three sizes of products which are 630ml large bottle, 330ml small bottle, and 330ml can. These products will be further on distributing into another channel like supermarkets and hypermarkets. Feberbrau Beer is the imported brand from Germany; containing 4. 7% of alcohol volume which is the lightest taste provided nowadays like the word ‘Federbrau’ itself means ‘feather’. It is the first brand in Thailand which keeps practicing ‘Reinheitsgebot’, the law legislated in Germany allowing only 4 ingredients in brewing beer; water, malts, barley hops, and yeasts. Although the law has not passed the qualification of the EU, many breweries has still produced beer following this law in order to project higher standard than other manufacturer. Feberbrau Beer is being brewed by COSMOS Brewery (Thailand) Co. Ltd. , Wangnoi, Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya. Federbrau has planned to position its product as the genuine German beer; offering new choices for consumers though Thai drinkers might not know the story behind their recipe; therefore, it is focusing on sending messages indicating the German-style and creating the adventurous sensation by using blu e color. They are mainly targeting the ages between the ranges of 22-35 who have self confidence, freedom lovers, and have their own lifestyles. For the regulation issues, there are many strict regulations on alcoholic beverages to be complied. But since Federbrau has clearly stated its position, it would not create any conflicts between the brands like Chang Light under Thai Beverage itself unlike the previous conflict between Chang and Archa. The marketing plan of Federbrau for the first 9 months will be mostly focusing on emphasizing on above-the-line rather than below-the-line; all kinds of media including billboard will be used to promote the brand awareness and brand recall by started off in the Bangkok area and then move on to nationwide through TV, radio, newspaper, shop decoration and also holding event to cover all potential market opportunities.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Intro to Fashion essays
Intro to Fashion essays The scene on the Paris runway has been transformed by floral prints with light and airy dresses. Milans Spring Summer showings concentrate more on detail than on shape and offered colorful styles. Pariss runway exhibit for the Spring and Summer of 2005 included the major designers starting with John Gallianos combination of politics and fashion. Christian Dior focused on femininity, colors and fun. Sex symbol designers such as Ddont tell me what to do attitude by incorporating Flamenco styles with Bohemian flair as his models walked the runway smoking thin cigars. Gautier and Prada are the designers that made an impression on me because they used unique methods of representing their fragments. However, Galliano introduced a more political stance by his Janis Joplin inspired cotton tops and John Lennons Imagine playing in the background. Gallianos political fashion presentation was not to my taste because politics and fashion have no relation. Versace and D ...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Loyality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Loyality - Essay Example Most of us often go through life oblivious of what goes on in other states enjoying the bliss of life. We depend on the media to give us a picture of what life is like, despite the fact that in most cases it often fails to depict the real picture. We make so many assumptions without even the least bit of information that can easily help us base our judgments. Racism and economic inequality is a reality that has been in the society for years, despite the fact that most people fail to acknowledge it. All it takes is a simple look around us to finally see the reality of what exists. Most people base their judgments on what they hear and rarely ever do so based on their experience. In her essay, she talks about the â€Å"white trash†she comes across in Mexico. In spite of the fact that she was an American herself, she felt like she was better than them simply because they acted differently than her. She tries to call the reader’s attention to things so inherent that they have become imperceptible to us, such as our assumptions on race. She states â€Å"In the United States, it is very easy for me to forget that the people around me are my people. It is easy, with all our divisions, to think of myself as an outsider in my own country.†(Biss, 93). Although in her country she could easily separate herself from others and act like she was better than others, while in Mexico she finally got to see herself from other people’s perspective. She used to pride herself in the fact that she was better simply because she was a well refined woman from a good background with good education. The US has always been regarded as a land that holds better promises which is why most immigrants are so quick to try and sneak in hoping to find a better life than what they have left behind. To most people’s surprise, life is not any better
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The Abuse of Volunteering For Public Service Essay
The Abuse of Volunteering For Public Service - Essay Example These include social amenities like health, fire services, and housing among others. The public service was mostly provided by public servants who were hired by the government to ensure that the services are rendered to the masses. Most public servants are qualified in their respective fields to provide efficient service. In recent times, the public has been encouraged to participate in public service. This is done so that the public could play a role in the betterment of the lives of the community. The participation of the public will ensure that its members contribute directly to providing services that are required by a community. Initially, individual participation in volunteering for public service was purely based on altruism, a sense of obligation and patriotism that the community possessed. In recent times, however, the reasons for voluntary participation in public service have been questioned, since the motives are not based purely on duty. The motives of volunteers are most ly egocentric; these people want to attain benefits for themselves, so the original intention of helping the community as a whole is neglected. This raises the question whether or not voluntary public service has lost its meaning? This is because nowadays it is hard to distinguish if the volunteering is done due to duty or due to the desire of the volunteer to benefit himself or herself as opposed to the public. Individuals have contributed to public service in various ways. This includes volunteering time and expertise or monetary assistance. The motives of these contributions are, however, questionable, since not all of them are done to benefit only the society. The individuals may have an angle that is self-beneficial. This may be to gain political, educational, or career millage. Though there are individuals who volunteer only for noble reasons, this practice has been corrupted by selfish interests. The perception of public service has evolved over the years. This is because var ious motivations other than altruism are evident in the individuals volunteering for this. This is because individuals are volunteering for the services so that they can gain something in return. This may be to attain an advantage academically or to have a better-looking resume among other self-serving interests. In academic institutions, the students are required in some instances to gain field experience (Lee 3). One of the ways these students can achieve this is through volunteering for public service. The students are assimilated into public sectors and are given duties of public servants. This is then reflected in their reports and appraised by their respective institutions. In this scenario, both the public and the students benefit from this arrangement. This is because the students will devote hours of their time to serve the public while receiving the required field experience for their course. In their time as volunteers, the students will take part in activities that are b eneficial to the welfare of the society. However, there is a downside to this in that some of the student will volunteer only to get the required hours from the exercise (Lee 4). This will result in the students not giving quality service to the public, since they will not be dedicated to the service. The students will consider the volunteering only as a forced requirement rather than as a
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Music Genres Role And Meaning Media Essay
Music Genres Role And Meaning Media Essay Today there many varieties of music known worldwide, from pop, classical, rock, jazz and RB, these are just a few examples of different types or genre of music that is found anywhere you go at all places. Music genre can be described as a type or form of music. But what makes these types of music different from each other? What makes them different from each other is that genres help categorize and organize the many different types of music. Music genres role is important in the world music because it gives a type of music a sense of identity, culture and purpose for us to know what types differentiate from one another. Because there are so many styles we must I.D. types or genres of music and categorize them so that we can identify which music is which. Music genre can help give music their sense of identity. It will help us know that when we are listening to music, we know what kind of music were listening to and also what is involved in the music. For example, say a person is listening to jazz music. How can one identify it in the genre of jazz music? The things that are more often than not in jazz music are swing patterns on the drums, unusual time signatures, saxophones and trumpet. With these common traits of jazz music, these will help a person identify that it is jazz music when they hear these things. With genre it categorizes jazzs identity with swing drum beats saxophones and trumpets and in a way it is also categorizing what kind of instruments are in a genre. Another example of identity and categorization is rock music. How can a person identify rock music? Well as most of us know rock music will mostly contain drums, electric guitar and bass and keyboards. Rock music is also typically played harder and faster than most music with distorted guitars and booming drums. This is the kind of identity that rock music has with the instruments, dynamics and tempo involved. These examples show how music genre can give different types of music a sense of identity, and categorize and organize it for people to know how to differentiate between the many styles of music from its identity. Genre also can give people who listen to music an identity. Genres create stereotypes which gives each type of music a sense of identity for people who listen to that certain music. In terms of emo or scream music, people who listen to this music are stereotyped has gothic or scene with dark clothing and appearances to crazy hair styles. With that the way that they dress can easily tell us what kind of music they are into and it is also a way of communicating with another person who listens to the same genre of music. They can identify each other as gothic or scene and then they can form a connection with that person. This doesnt mean that they listen purely to emo or screamo music as they could have a broader taste in music and they could listen to country music or classical music as well. But these kinds of stereotypes can give us a generalization of what kind of music people listen and it can help us connect with one another. Different types of music genres also can serve purposes. Certain kinds of music can serve a certain kind purpose that go in unison with its identity. For instance, dance music obviously serves its purpose for people to dance to it. Its rhythm beat and tempo is designed specifically for people to dance to, then its tempo is usually fast and upbeat so that it catches peoples ear for them to dance to. Classical music today now serves a purpose for people to relax to. Because of its soothing sounds of strings and a calmer rhythm, it can help people relax because it is easy on the ears. Love or sadder songs serve a purpose in expressing feelings and can also serve as a technique for someone to express themselves and tell about they truly think about. Many athletes listen to Rap or Rock music to pump themselves up so it can serve a purpose in that context. Many different types of music can serve all kinds of purposes just as the examples have shown. Culturally speaking, music genre plays a role in identifying music with culture. With music genre we can identify what music comes from where. With samba and salsa music we can classify it in the genre of Latin Music. So with that we can understand that samba and salsa music comes from the Latin culture because its genre is Latin music. This will then help people understand that this form of music originates in Latin countries and genre plays a role in which it gives music a geographical background. With the genre of classical music when people hear this music, they can pinpoint the era of where it came from. When we hear Mozart or Bach we can hear what the music was like back during those times, and it gives us a sense of what the culture was like. In those times they didnt call it classical music it was just their form of music. The same can apply for 50s 60s music with doo wop or 70s music with disco. When we listen to these types of genres of we can hear how the music was like in any era and gives a sense of culture of how the music was like in those time periods. Classical music has been used often in advertisements and commercials to help sell their product from their cultural origins. When people hear classical music, many people will think first class and sophistication because back in that time period, people who would attend music events at theaters were usually ones of the upper class. So when people hear that kind of music in any advertisement they can think to themselves that the company selling the product is a first class product better than the rest or even that the product shown in the ad is first class itself. Advertising is manipulating the stereotype that classical music is for people of the upper class by giving them the illusion that they are a high class sophisticated company and probably also try to challenge their customers Are you a first class sophisticated person? Then buy our product! For example many car companies such as BMW or Lexus use classical music in their television advertisements because they are known to be in the upper echelon class of cars. Because they are luxurious cars they want showcase classical music in their advertisements so that they can live up to their reputation as first class luxurious cars. I dont think it is unfair for classical music to be showcased in television advertisements; the reason being that it much different than any of the music that is out there today. If anyone were to listen to a rock or rap song in advertisement it doesnt really catch the ear as much as classical music because they are the genres of music we listen to daily. So if someone hears a classical music in an advertisement, it can really catch their attention and make them pay attention to that commercial. I think its a brilliant strategy to put classical music to a commercial to help sell a product because its kind of a communication tool to really get your customers attention. In addition to that I think classical composers will feel accomplished of the fact that their music is still being played today. They have created music that is original, different for our generation and generations to come and also their music is timeless because no matter what classical music will live on. So its fair for us to continue to live on their legacy. In conclusion music genre role and meaning deals with three aspects in identity, culture and purpose to help us differentiate between different music styles. Genre helps people identify what the music is and what is composed in the music from the instrumentation to the rhythm and beat and how it sounds. Genre plays a role in cultural identity in that it gives people an idea of what time period the music is from or from where its country of origin is. Different types of genre also serve a purpose in that many types of music can serve for a single purpose to enhance peoples lives such as dancing or relaxation. These are the reasons music genre play an important role in the world of music.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Milk Production in India Essay
1. SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF MILK SOCIETY FARMERS IN AVANOOR PANCHAYATH. Avanoor is one of the village in puzhakkal taluk, thrissur district, Kerala state: panchayath situated with18. 25 square kilometer total land size. Total population in Avanoor Panchayath is 20040. Among the total population 9729 males and 10311 females. Avanoor bounded with Mundathicode and velur panchayath in the North, Kaiparambu panchayath in the west, Adatt and Kolazhy panchayaths in the south, Mulankunnathkavu panchayath in the east. Among the total population 1576 engaged in the dairy farming activities. Among the total number of dairy farmers 593 female dairy farmers. Livestock population in Avanoor panchayath according to the 18th livestock census. In 2008 September 18th shown in the following table. Ward No:No : Of house hold having cattleNo : Of cattle cross breadNo: Of cattle localNo :Of house holds having buffaloesNo: Of buffaloesNo: Of house holds having goatNo: Of goats 175238â€â€34163 276 (5)17512282596 32254â€â€612 4651321113878 52970â€â€1331 642862282559 7622407-1132178 836 (1)741112683 935 (11)6419123188 1042104â€â€2187 1117143â€â€2689 1215 (5)306–1749 1368165â€â€1657. 14930â€â€1475 Total623 (22)16053816313241145 2. SOURCE:- LIVESTOCK CENSUS REPORT OF AVANOOR PANCHAYATH. In Avanoor panchayath which is the place from the sample selected having mainly 4 co-operative milk societies. They are :- Avanoor ksheera vyavasaya sahakarana sangham under Kerala vyavasaya sahakarana sangham Velappaya ksheerolpathaka sahakarana sangham under Anand Pattern Co-Operative Societies (APCOS). Kolangattukara ksheerolpathaka sahakarana sangham under Anand Pattern Co-Operative Societies. Varadiyam ksheerolpathaka sahakarana sangham under Anand Pattern Co-Operative Societies. Among these Avanoor Ksheera Vyavasaya Sahakarana Sangham started 1st in the year 1979, others are started in 1998. In the study mainly considered 50 dairy farmers in the panchayath from the total 1576 dairy farmers in the sample frame let us examine the socio economic conditions of the dairy farmers considered through the sample. SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE OF THE RESPONENTS SI No :IndicatorsNo: Of RespondentPercentage To The Total 1Age (5) (29) (16) 10% 58% 32% 20-40 40-60 >60 Total50100% 2Gender (38) (12) 76% 24% Male Female Total50100% 3Educational Qualification (2) (18) (20) (9) (2) 4% 36% 40% 18% 4% Illiterate Primary. High school Pre Degree Graduate Total50100% 4Occupation (20) (20) (10) 40% 40% 20% Primary Secondary Territory Total50100% 5Size Of Land Holding (3) (12) (35) 6% 24% 70% < 10 cent 10-20 cent >20cent Total50100% 6Annual Income – (15) (35) – 30% 70% 20000 Total50100% 7State Of Membership (43) (7) 86% 14% Member Non Member Total50100% 8Portion Of Livestock(13) (19) (18)26% 38% 36% 1 2 >3 Total50100% SOURCE:- COMBILED FROM PRIMARY DATA The given table shows the sample size classification according to their age, sex, landholding educational qualification, occupation, annual income, state of membership, possession of livestock. Advancly given the information about some matters. ?No Muslim dairy farmers can get under the sample frame. ?Except 10 persons all others in the sample size having concrete houses, their own well, above poverty line, owned houses. ?Only three members in the sample frame having any type of remittances from abroad. ?Only one among the fifty sample having Bio gas plant, all members are enjoyed the facility of electricity. Under the sampling no persons having goat and buffalo for milking included. They are not selected in the random. SAMPLING METHOD:- From the classification in the table shows that sample selected with the inclusion of non members of co-operative societies. Forty three among the to sample size of 50 having membership in the milk society. No one among the 50 dairy farmers in the sampling having annual income less than 10000. Seventy percentage of the persons having more than 20000 as annual income. Fifteen among the fifty having an annual income between 10000 and 20000. The sample study reveals that thirty eight percentage of persons or dairy farmers having two cows. Eighteen farmers having three or more than 3 cattle’s. And thirteen persons of the sample of fifty dairy farmers having only one cattle. Most of the dairy farmers in the sample size involved in an age range of forty to sixty. Only ten percentage included in the younger category of twenty to forty age limits, all others are aged more than sixty. Seventy six percentage among them are males. Only twenty four percentage female participation we can calculated on the basis of sample. Thirty five persons among the fifty are the holders of more than twenty cent of lands. Among the sample size fifty, ten person’s involved in the territory sector occupations. Forty percentage involved in the primary sector occupation other forty percentages in the secondary sector jobs. With two illiterate person’s fifteen primary educated, twenty high schooled, nine pre degree holders and two graduates. The two persons among the fifty sample holders of loans amounted that two lacks for the dairy sector. One person only in the starting level with more than three cows and one buffalo with all other modernized farm facilities and workers for doing jobs there. One person lived with this as a major occupation for living with an overcoming of the loans taken by him for the dairy farming. In the samples who having cows less than three cows always interested to provide milk in the milk societies. In Avanoor Panchayath no private ventures in the milk field. More than fifty percent of the total sample size accept dairying as a major livelihood occupation. Only in two families having more than four members under the sample frame. Eighty percent of the samples having more than two or three acre land holdings through inheritance. The sample reveals that most of the dairy farmers interested to provide milk for societies only because of the services available to them like pensions, subsidized feeds for calves, artificial insemination facility clash availability through membership before the milk supplied to society. Provision of insurance etc†¦ Feeding of grass fodder was widespread. But it was mostly collected grass and not cultivated green-fodder. Paddy straw was the most important source of roughage. Mainly sample members are practiced with the feeding of cattle through send them to grass lands in the open fields. Which are help them to increase the production of milk and reduction of the cost of the milk production in Avanoor Panchayath. Non availability of facilities for grazing only three members among the total sample. The reasons for these for one person they maintaining high level cross bread cows which are imported from other states they are not adjusted in a high level to western countries climate so they are maintained under the cooling facilities. One person not healthy to grazing the cattle in the open fields. Another person is not avail any facility of grazed land. So two among them buy green fodder for high price. In the large farm in Avanoor Panchayath compared to the others, reports regular medical check-ups to their cattle to avoid serious diseases which are badly affect on the milk production. They are avail always healthy veterinary doctors service through the veterinary hospital in the Avanoor Panchayath. No one in the study can reports that their processed milk for producing another milk products. In Avanoor Panchayath such type of industries or small scale units are not existing with or without the assistance of co-operative milk unions in the Panchayath.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Five Forces Analysis-US Express Mail Industry Essay
Question 1 asked to complete a five forces analysis of the US Express Mail Industry. A five forces analysis is done to rate the attractiveness of an industry. Threat of new entry is low because the barriers to entry are high. Newcomers to the industry would require an enormous amount of up front capital to set up the distribution networks and infrastructure, such as establishing hubs, and acquiring aircraft and a large amount of ground transportation vehicles (vans, trucks, ect). Economies of scale are significant and would deter new firms from entering because initial sales volumes would be low do to the fact that existing brands already have strong brand identification, and there are no cost advantages to entering, like government subsidiaries or favorable locations. There would also be aggressive reaction from the three main players (FedEx, UPS, Airborne) since the level of rivalry is already so high. Buyer power (customers consisting of businesses and the general public) is high mainly because the large volume of customers have no brand loyalty in the express mail industry. Customers base their selection of a carrier on reliability, price, and convenience and there is not much product differentiation in any of those areas between carriers so customers can bounce around between carriers, essentially playing the competitors against each other, forcing prices down and demanding higher quality and services. Supplier power is high overall. The main inputs, or supplies, for the express mail industry are fuel, airports, aircraft, ground transportation, and the employees. The employees are unionized and have the power to demand higher wages and benefits, they may not always get that, but then there is the potential for strikes, like with UPS, which costs UPS $700 million in revenues and hurt their reputation. Fuel is another supplier power that is high. Fuel is a key component and there is limited bargaining when it comes to negotiating fuel prices. Another key product is the airports, there are only a few in each major city, and the carriers have to go where they have to go, hitting those hubs in major cities, thus causing there to be little bargaining power with airports. The airports and the aircraft suppliers aren’t only relying on the express mail industry, so that also gives those suppliers more power to charge what they want (landing fees, cost of planes). Ground transportation vehicles is the only input that would allow for more bargaining power since there are numerous alternatives available, there is more room for the industry players to negotiate price. The availability of substitutes is medium mainly because there aren’t a large number of substitutes out there for express mail outside of the industry. Most next day deliveries are business documents, parcels, letters, ect, not typically cargo. So substitutes could include email and faxes, both are faster and cheaper than express mailing. Depending on the nature of the business, video conferencing or the old fashion telephone could be used. If the parcel is going somewhere local maybe could use bike messengers, or just hand deliver. There are also the second tier players, like RPS, DHL and TNT, while they are still in the delivery industry; they tend to specialize in areas other than express mail. With RPS, it is second day service at 40-50% less, and a business that does a large amount of overseas or international express shipments may want to substitute with DHL or TNT, who specialize and differentiate themselves in the international market. The Intensity of rivalry is high. The domestic express mail industry only consists of three major firms, UPS, FedEx, and Airborne, and six second tier firms, such as DHL, RPS, and the U.S. Postal Service so there isn’t a high level of concentration. The big three make up 85% of the U.S. express mail market. There is intense competition, when one company lowers prices, so does another, leading to price wars. When one company improves it technology or offers more service, so do the others, leading to difficulty in differentiating products. Fixed costs are high (planes, hubs, transportation) and when fixed costs are high it causes companies to want to reduce prices in order to sell more and generate more revenue, but the revenues have not kept up with falling prices and has caused the industry growth to be slow so the companies are all fighting for market share. The exit barriers are also high, financially and non-financially. Financially because of the enormous amount of capital that has been invested (fleets of planes and/or trucks, set up of the distribution networks and infrastructures), and non-financially, mainly due to social costs. People conduct business everyday and rely on urgent delivery of time sensitive information (documents, contracts, and perishables like medical samples) and not having the services of the express mail industry to deliver those time sensitive parcels could cripple the economy, for example when UPS when on strike for 16 days, there was a â€Å"noticeable disruption†to the economy as a whole. So in conclusion, based upon this analysis, the US Express Mail Industry in terms of profitability is very unattractive and would be considered unattractive by any firms considering entering as well.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Tragedy in Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, and the Book of Job Essay...
Tragedy in Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, and the Book of Job In works of literature involving a tragedy, the question of the cause of the tragedy is often raised. The play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, and the book of Job from the Bible all involve a tragedy resulting from different things. In Oedipus Rex the tragedy is a result of Oedipuss fate. In Hamlet the tragedy is caused by human folly. The divine intervention of God is what causes the tragedy in Job. The tragedy in Oedipus Rex is a result of fate, in Hamlet a result of human folly, and in Job a result of divine intervention. The play Oedipus Rex involves the tragic downfall of the main character King Oedipus. This tragedy was a result of†¦show more content†¦While fate was the cause of tragedy in Oedipus Rex, the tragedy in Hamlet was the result of a different factor. The tragedy of Hamlets death was caused because of human folly. Hamlet was a procrastinator. He waited until the last possible minute, just moments before his departure from the earth, to avenge his fathers death by killing Claudius with the words, Here, you incestuous, murderous, damned Dane, finish drinking this poisoned cup...Follow my mother (Shakespeare V, ii, 298). Had Hamlet not put off the murder for so long, many other deaths could have been avoided, including Gertrudes, Laertess and his own. Gertrude, Laertes, and Hamlet all died as a result of sword fight at the end of the play. If Hamlet would have killed Claudius when he was supposed to, these deaths could have been avoided. Other deaths that were a result of Hamlets folly were Ophelias and Poloniuss. Hamlet mistakenly murdered Polonius thinking that he was Claudius. After stabbing Polonius he says, Is it the King? (Shakespeare III, iv, 25). This was folly on Hamlets part because he committed a murder without knowing whom he was murdering. Ophelias death was a result of her father Poloniuss death. Her death could also have been avoided had Hamlet known who was behind the curtain that he blindly stabbed into. Hamlets folly was the cause of the tragedy of many deaths inShow MoreRelated A Comparison of Tragedy in Hamlet, The Book of Job, and Oedipus Rex1246 Words  | 5 PagesInterpretations of Tragedy in Hamlet, The Book of Job, and Oedipus Rex  For ages, man has pondered upon the roots of destiny. Is the outcome of a mans life determined by human qualities and failings, the meddling of a divine power, or simple fate? Shakespeares Hamlet made the argument that tragedy is caused by human folly. The idea that divine intervention is at the root of human suffering is put forth in the Book of Job. In Sophocles Oedipus Rex, fate is given as the root of mansRead MoreHow Is Oedipus A Tragic Hero831 Words  | 4 Pagesown downfall,†when describing a tragic hero. Throughout history, there have been many literary tragic heroes: Hamlet from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Romeo from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and even Jay Gatsby from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Often times, when discussing tragic heroes, the Theban tragedy of Oedipus Rex and his family is brought up. The tragic hero, Oedipus Rex was the heir to the throne of Thebes who was prophecized to kill his father and marry his mother. D ue to this,Read MoreHumanities Test4641 Words  | 19 Pagesphilosopher. True 3.  Aristotles famous analysis of tragedy is found in a work called: The Poetics 4.  Aristotles work on comedy is how long? 5 acts long 5. What did the Commedia dellearte specialize in? 6.  What is satire? a literary genre or form, although in practice it is also found in the graphic and performing arts, or a literary technique that attacks foolishness by making fun of it. 7. ( T or F ) The prophecies in Oedipus Rex turn out to be wrong. True 8. One actor on stageRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesSuzanne Duda Lead Media Project Manager: Denise Vaughn Full-Service Project Management: Sharon Anderson/BookMasters, Inc. Composition: Integra Software Services Printer/Binder: Edwards Brothers Cover Printer: Coral Graphics Text Font: 10/12 Weidemann-Book Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2011, 2007, 2005, 2002, 1998 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One
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