In A Research Paper Information That Expands On The Topic But That Does Not Fit Well
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Music Genres Role And Meaning Media Essay
Music Genres Role And Meaning Media Essay Today there many varieties of music known worldwide, from pop, classical, rock, jazz and RB, these are just a few examples of different types or genre of music that is found anywhere you go at all places. Music genre can be described as a type or form of music. But what makes these types of music different from each other? What makes them different from each other is that genres help categorize and organize the many different types of music. Music genres role is important in the world music because it gives a type of music a sense of identity, culture and purpose for us to know what types differentiate from one another. Because there are so many styles we must I.D. types or genres of music and categorize them so that we can identify which music is which. Music genre can help give music their sense of identity. It will help us know that when we are listening to music, we know what kind of music were listening to and also what is involved in the music. For example, say a person is listening to jazz music. How can one identify it in the genre of jazz music? The things that are more often than not in jazz music are swing patterns on the drums, unusual time signatures, saxophones and trumpet. With these common traits of jazz music, these will help a person identify that it is jazz music when they hear these things. With genre it categorizes jazzs identity with swing drum beats saxophones and trumpets and in a way it is also categorizing what kind of instruments are in a genre. Another example of identity and categorization is rock music. How can a person identify rock music? Well as most of us know rock music will mostly contain drums, electric guitar and bass and keyboards. Rock music is also typically played harder and faster than most music with distorted guitars and booming drums. This is the kind of identity that rock music has with the instruments, dynamics and tempo involved. These examples show how music genre can give different types of music a sense of identity, and categorize and organize it for people to know how to differentiate between the many styles of music from its identity. Genre also can give people who listen to music an identity. Genres create stereotypes which gives each type of music a sense of identity for people who listen to that certain music. In terms of emo or scream music, people who listen to this music are stereotyped has gothic or scene with dark clothing and appearances to crazy hair styles. With that the way that they dress can easily tell us what kind of music they are into and it is also a way of communicating with another person who listens to the same genre of music. They can identify each other as gothic or scene and then they can form a connection with that person. This doesnt mean that they listen purely to emo or screamo music as they could have a broader taste in music and they could listen to country music or classical music as well. But these kinds of stereotypes can give us a generalization of what kind of music people listen and it can help us connect with one another. Different types of music genres also can serve purposes. Certain kinds of music can serve a certain kind purpose that go in unison with its identity. For instance, dance music obviously serves its purpose for people to dance to it. Its rhythm beat and tempo is designed specifically for people to dance to, then its tempo is usually fast and upbeat so that it catches peoples ear for them to dance to. Classical music today now serves a purpose for people to relax to. Because of its soothing sounds of strings and a calmer rhythm, it can help people relax because it is easy on the ears. Love or sadder songs serve a purpose in expressing feelings and can also serve as a technique for someone to express themselves and tell about they truly think about. Many athletes listen to Rap or Rock music to pump themselves up so it can serve a purpose in that context. Many different types of music can serve all kinds of purposes just as the examples have shown. Culturally speaking, music genre plays a role in identifying music with culture. With music genre we can identify what music comes from where. With samba and salsa music we can classify it in the genre of Latin Music. So with that we can understand that samba and salsa music comes from the Latin culture because its genre is Latin music. This will then help people understand that this form of music originates in Latin countries and genre plays a role in which it gives music a geographical background. With the genre of classical music when people hear this music, they can pinpoint the era of where it came from. When we hear Mozart or Bach we can hear what the music was like back during those times, and it gives us a sense of what the culture was like. In those times they didnt call it classical music it was just their form of music. The same can apply for 50s 60s music with doo wop or 70s music with disco. When we listen to these types of genres of we can hear how the music was like in any era and gives a sense of culture of how the music was like in those time periods. Classical music has been used often in advertisements and commercials to help sell their product from their cultural origins. When people hear classical music, many people will think first class and sophistication because back in that time period, people who would attend music events at theaters were usually ones of the upper class. So when people hear that kind of music in any advertisement they can think to themselves that the company selling the product is a first class product better than the rest or even that the product shown in the ad is first class itself. Advertising is manipulating the stereotype that classical music is for people of the upper class by giving them the illusion that they are a high class sophisticated company and probably also try to challenge their customers Are you a first class sophisticated person? Then buy our product! For example many car companies such as BMW or Lexus use classical music in their television advertisements because they are known to be in the upper echelon class of cars. Because they are luxurious cars they want showcase classical music in their advertisements so that they can live up to their reputation as first class luxurious cars. I dont think it is unfair for classical music to be showcased in television advertisements; the reason being that it much different than any of the music that is out there today. If anyone were to listen to a rock or rap song in advertisement it doesnt really catch the ear as much as classical music because they are the genres of music we listen to daily. So if someone hears a classical music in an advertisement, it can really catch their attention and make them pay attention to that commercial. I think its a brilliant strategy to put classical music to a commercial to help sell a product because its kind of a communication tool to really get your customers attention. In addition to that I think classical composers will feel accomplished of the fact that their music is still being played today. They have created music that is original, different for our generation and generations to come and also their music is timeless because no matter what classical music will live on. So its fair for us to continue to live on their legacy. In conclusion music genre role and meaning deals with three aspects in identity, culture and purpose to help us differentiate between different music styles. Genre helps people identify what the music is and what is composed in the music from the instrumentation to the rhythm and beat and how it sounds. Genre plays a role in cultural identity in that it gives people an idea of what time period the music is from or from where its country of origin is. Different types of genre also serve a purpose in that many types of music can serve for a single purpose to enhance peoples lives such as dancing or relaxation. These are the reasons music genre play an important role in the world of music.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Milk Production in India Essay
1. SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF MILK SOCIETY FARMERS IN AVANOOR PANCHAYATH. Avanoor is one of the village in puzhakkal taluk, thrissur district, Kerala state: panchayath situated with18. 25 square kilometer total land size. Total population in Avanoor Panchayath is 20040. Among the total population 9729 males and 10311 females. Avanoor bounded with Mundathicode and velur panchayath in the North, Kaiparambu panchayath in the west, Adatt and Kolazhy panchayaths in the south, Mulankunnathkavu panchayath in the east. Among the total population 1576 engaged in the dairy farming activities. Among the total number of dairy farmers 593 female dairy farmers. Livestock population in Avanoor panchayath according to the 18th livestock census. In 2008 September 18th shown in the following table. Ward No:No : Of house hold having cattleNo : Of cattle cross breadNo: Of cattle localNo :Of house holds having buffaloesNo: Of buffaloesNo: Of house holds having goatNo: Of goats 175238â€â€34163 276 (5)17512282596 32254â€â€612 4651321113878 52970â€â€1331 642862282559 7622407-1132178 836 (1)741112683 935 (11)6419123188 1042104â€â€2187 1117143â€â€2689 1215 (5)306–1749 1368165â€â€1657. 14930â€â€1475 Total623 (22)16053816313241145 2. SOURCE:- LIVESTOCK CENSUS REPORT OF AVANOOR PANCHAYATH. In Avanoor panchayath which is the place from the sample selected having mainly 4 co-operative milk societies. They are :- Avanoor ksheera vyavasaya sahakarana sangham under Kerala vyavasaya sahakarana sangham Velappaya ksheerolpathaka sahakarana sangham under Anand Pattern Co-Operative Societies (APCOS). Kolangattukara ksheerolpathaka sahakarana sangham under Anand Pattern Co-Operative Societies. Varadiyam ksheerolpathaka sahakarana sangham under Anand Pattern Co-Operative Societies. Among these Avanoor Ksheera Vyavasaya Sahakarana Sangham started 1st in the year 1979, others are started in 1998. In the study mainly considered 50 dairy farmers in the panchayath from the total 1576 dairy farmers in the sample frame let us examine the socio economic conditions of the dairy farmers considered through the sample. SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE OF THE RESPONENTS SI No :IndicatorsNo: Of RespondentPercentage To The Total 1Age (5) (29) (16) 10% 58% 32% 20-40 40-60 >60 Total50100% 2Gender (38) (12) 76% 24% Male Female Total50100% 3Educational Qualification (2) (18) (20) (9) (2) 4% 36% 40% 18% 4% Illiterate Primary. High school Pre Degree Graduate Total50100% 4Occupation (20) (20) (10) 40% 40% 20% Primary Secondary Territory Total50100% 5Size Of Land Holding (3) (12) (35) 6% 24% 70% < 10 cent 10-20 cent >20cent Total50100% 6Annual Income – (15) (35) – 30% 70% 20000 Total50100% 7State Of Membership (43) (7) 86% 14% Member Non Member Total50100% 8Portion Of Livestock(13) (19) (18)26% 38% 36% 1 2 >3 Total50100% SOURCE:- COMBILED FROM PRIMARY DATA The given table shows the sample size classification according to their age, sex, landholding educational qualification, occupation, annual income, state of membership, possession of livestock. Advancly given the information about some matters. ?No Muslim dairy farmers can get under the sample frame. ?Except 10 persons all others in the sample size having concrete houses, their own well, above poverty line, owned houses. ?Only three members in the sample frame having any type of remittances from abroad. ?Only one among the fifty sample having Bio gas plant, all members are enjoyed the facility of electricity. Under the sampling no persons having goat and buffalo for milking included. They are not selected in the random. SAMPLING METHOD:- From the classification in the table shows that sample selected with the inclusion of non members of co-operative societies. Forty three among the to sample size of 50 having membership in the milk society. No one among the 50 dairy farmers in the sampling having annual income less than 10000. Seventy percentage of the persons having more than 20000 as annual income. Fifteen among the fifty having an annual income between 10000 and 20000. The sample study reveals that thirty eight percentage of persons or dairy farmers having two cows. Eighteen farmers having three or more than 3 cattle’s. And thirteen persons of the sample of fifty dairy farmers having only one cattle. Most of the dairy farmers in the sample size involved in an age range of forty to sixty. Only ten percentage included in the younger category of twenty to forty age limits, all others are aged more than sixty. Seventy six percentage among them are males. Only twenty four percentage female participation we can calculated on the basis of sample. Thirty five persons among the fifty are the holders of more than twenty cent of lands. Among the sample size fifty, ten person’s involved in the territory sector occupations. Forty percentage involved in the primary sector occupation other forty percentages in the secondary sector jobs. With two illiterate person’s fifteen primary educated, twenty high schooled, nine pre degree holders and two graduates. The two persons among the fifty sample holders of loans amounted that two lacks for the dairy sector. One person only in the starting level with more than three cows and one buffalo with all other modernized farm facilities and workers for doing jobs there. One person lived with this as a major occupation for living with an overcoming of the loans taken by him for the dairy farming. In the samples who having cows less than three cows always interested to provide milk in the milk societies. In Avanoor Panchayath no private ventures in the milk field. More than fifty percent of the total sample size accept dairying as a major livelihood occupation. Only in two families having more than four members under the sample frame. Eighty percent of the samples having more than two or three acre land holdings through inheritance. The sample reveals that most of the dairy farmers interested to provide milk for societies only because of the services available to them like pensions, subsidized feeds for calves, artificial insemination facility clash availability through membership before the milk supplied to society. Provision of insurance etc†¦ Feeding of grass fodder was widespread. But it was mostly collected grass and not cultivated green-fodder. Paddy straw was the most important source of roughage. Mainly sample members are practiced with the feeding of cattle through send them to grass lands in the open fields. Which are help them to increase the production of milk and reduction of the cost of the milk production in Avanoor Panchayath. Non availability of facilities for grazing only three members among the total sample. The reasons for these for one person they maintaining high level cross bread cows which are imported from other states they are not adjusted in a high level to western countries climate so they are maintained under the cooling facilities. One person not healthy to grazing the cattle in the open fields. Another person is not avail any facility of grazed land. So two among them buy green fodder for high price. In the large farm in Avanoor Panchayath compared to the others, reports regular medical check-ups to their cattle to avoid serious diseases which are badly affect on the milk production. They are avail always healthy veterinary doctors service through the veterinary hospital in the Avanoor Panchayath. No one in the study can reports that their processed milk for producing another milk products. In Avanoor Panchayath such type of industries or small scale units are not existing with or without the assistance of co-operative milk unions in the Panchayath.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Five Forces Analysis-US Express Mail Industry Essay
Question 1 asked to complete a five forces analysis of the US Express Mail Industry. A five forces analysis is done to rate the attractiveness of an industry. Threat of new entry is low because the barriers to entry are high. Newcomers to the industry would require an enormous amount of up front capital to set up the distribution networks and infrastructure, such as establishing hubs, and acquiring aircraft and a large amount of ground transportation vehicles (vans, trucks, ect). Economies of scale are significant and would deter new firms from entering because initial sales volumes would be low do to the fact that existing brands already have strong brand identification, and there are no cost advantages to entering, like government subsidiaries or favorable locations. There would also be aggressive reaction from the three main players (FedEx, UPS, Airborne) since the level of rivalry is already so high. Buyer power (customers consisting of businesses and the general public) is high mainly because the large volume of customers have no brand loyalty in the express mail industry. Customers base their selection of a carrier on reliability, price, and convenience and there is not much product differentiation in any of those areas between carriers so customers can bounce around between carriers, essentially playing the competitors against each other, forcing prices down and demanding higher quality and services. Supplier power is high overall. The main inputs, or supplies, for the express mail industry are fuel, airports, aircraft, ground transportation, and the employees. The employees are unionized and have the power to demand higher wages and benefits, they may not always get that, but then there is the potential for strikes, like with UPS, which costs UPS $700 million in revenues and hurt their reputation. Fuel is another supplier power that is high. Fuel is a key component and there is limited bargaining when it comes to negotiating fuel prices. Another key product is the airports, there are only a few in each major city, and the carriers have to go where they have to go, hitting those hubs in major cities, thus causing there to be little bargaining power with airports. The airports and the aircraft suppliers aren’t only relying on the express mail industry, so that also gives those suppliers more power to charge what they want (landing fees, cost of planes). Ground transportation vehicles is the only input that would allow for more bargaining power since there are numerous alternatives available, there is more room for the industry players to negotiate price. The availability of substitutes is medium mainly because there aren’t a large number of substitutes out there for express mail outside of the industry. Most next day deliveries are business documents, parcels, letters, ect, not typically cargo. So substitutes could include email and faxes, both are faster and cheaper than express mailing. Depending on the nature of the business, video conferencing or the old fashion telephone could be used. If the parcel is going somewhere local maybe could use bike messengers, or just hand deliver. There are also the second tier players, like RPS, DHL and TNT, while they are still in the delivery industry; they tend to specialize in areas other than express mail. With RPS, it is second day service at 40-50% less, and a business that does a large amount of overseas or international express shipments may want to substitute with DHL or TNT, who specialize and differentiate themselves in the international market. The Intensity of rivalry is high. The domestic express mail industry only consists of three major firms, UPS, FedEx, and Airborne, and six second tier firms, such as DHL, RPS, and the U.S. Postal Service so there isn’t a high level of concentration. The big three make up 85% of the U.S. express mail market. There is intense competition, when one company lowers prices, so does another, leading to price wars. When one company improves it technology or offers more service, so do the others, leading to difficulty in differentiating products. Fixed costs are high (planes, hubs, transportation) and when fixed costs are high it causes companies to want to reduce prices in order to sell more and generate more revenue, but the revenues have not kept up with falling prices and has caused the industry growth to be slow so the companies are all fighting for market share. The exit barriers are also high, financially and non-financially. Financially because of the enormous amount of capital that has been invested (fleets of planes and/or trucks, set up of the distribution networks and infrastructures), and non-financially, mainly due to social costs. People conduct business everyday and rely on urgent delivery of time sensitive information (documents, contracts, and perishables like medical samples) and not having the services of the express mail industry to deliver those time sensitive parcels could cripple the economy, for example when UPS when on strike for 16 days, there was a â€Å"noticeable disruption†to the economy as a whole. So in conclusion, based upon this analysis, the US Express Mail Industry in terms of profitability is very unattractive and would be considered unattractive by any firms considering entering as well.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Tragedy in Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, and the Book of Job Essay...
Tragedy in Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, and the Book of Job In works of literature involving a tragedy, the question of the cause of the tragedy is often raised. The play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, and the book of Job from the Bible all involve a tragedy resulting from different things. In Oedipus Rex the tragedy is a result of Oedipuss fate. In Hamlet the tragedy is caused by human folly. The divine intervention of God is what causes the tragedy in Job. The tragedy in Oedipus Rex is a result of fate, in Hamlet a result of human folly, and in Job a result of divine intervention. The play Oedipus Rex involves the tragic downfall of the main character King Oedipus. This tragedy was a result of†¦show more content†¦While fate was the cause of tragedy in Oedipus Rex, the tragedy in Hamlet was the result of a different factor. The tragedy of Hamlets death was caused because of human folly. Hamlet was a procrastinator. He waited until the last possible minute, just moments before his departure from the earth, to avenge his fathers death by killing Claudius with the words, Here, you incestuous, murderous, damned Dane, finish drinking this poisoned cup...Follow my mother (Shakespeare V, ii, 298). Had Hamlet not put off the murder for so long, many other deaths could have been avoided, including Gertrudes, Laertess and his own. Gertrude, Laertes, and Hamlet all died as a result of sword fight at the end of the play. If Hamlet would have killed Claudius when he was supposed to, these deaths could have been avoided. Other deaths that were a result of Hamlets folly were Ophelias and Poloniuss. Hamlet mistakenly murdered Polonius thinking that he was Claudius. After stabbing Polonius he says, Is it the King? (Shakespeare III, iv, 25). This was folly on Hamlets part because he committed a murder without knowing whom he was murdering. Ophelias death was a result of her father Poloniuss death. Her death could also have been avoided had Hamlet known who was behind the curtain that he blindly stabbed into. Hamlets folly was the cause of the tragedy of many deaths inShow MoreRelated A Comparison of Tragedy in Hamlet, The Book of Job, and Oedipus Rex1246 Words  | 5 PagesInterpretations of Tragedy in Hamlet, The Book of Job, and Oedipus Rex  For ages, man has pondered upon the roots of destiny. Is the outcome of a mans life determined by human qualities and failings, the meddling of a divine power, or simple fate? Shakespeares Hamlet made the argument that tragedy is caused by human folly. The idea that divine intervention is at the root of human suffering is put forth in the Book of Job. In Sophocles Oedipus Rex, fate is given as the root of mansRead MoreHow Is Oedipus A Tragic Hero831 Words  | 4 Pagesown downfall,†when describing a tragic hero. Throughout history, there have been many literary tragic heroes: Hamlet from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Romeo from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and even Jay Gatsby from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Often times, when discussing tragic heroes, the Theban tragedy of Oedipus Rex and his family is brought up. The tragic hero, Oedipus Rex was the heir to the throne of Thebes who was prophecized to kill his father and marry his mother. D ue to this,Read MoreHumanities Test4641 Words  | 19 Pagesphilosopher. True 3.  Aristotles famous analysis of tragedy is found in a work called: The Poetics 4.  Aristotles work on comedy is how long? 5 acts long 5. What did the Commedia dellearte specialize in? 6.  What is satire? a literary genre or form, although in practice it is also found in the graphic and performing arts, or a literary technique that attacks foolishness by making fun of it. 7. ( T or F ) The prophecies in Oedipus Rex turn out to be wrong. True 8. One actor on stageRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesSuzanne Duda Lead Media Project Manager: Denise Vaughn Full-Service Project Management: Sharon Anderson/BookMasters, Inc. Composition: Integra Software Services Printer/Binder: Edwards Brothers Cover Printer: Coral Graphics Text Font: 10/12 Weidemann-Book Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2011, 2007, 2005, 2002, 1998 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One
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