In A Research Paper Information That Expands On The Topic But That Does Not Fit Well
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Methinks vs. I Think
Methinks vs. I Think Methinks vs. I Think Methinks vs. I Think By Maeve Maddox An archaic verb form that survives in modern speech, thanks to its presence in a well-known quotation from Hamlet, is methinks. A Google search for â€Å"methinks†brings up more than five million hits. The quotation appears in the â€Å"mousetrap scene†in Hamlet. Traveling actors are performing a play written to Hamlet’s specifications. He wants to dramatize his father’s murder and produce a guilty reaction in his stepfather. The Player Queen gives a highly charged speech about her feelings for her husband, swearing that, should he die, she will never remarry. Hamlet asks his mother, â€Å"How do you like the play?†Uncomfortable with the speech because of her own remarriage, Hamlet’s mother replies, â€Å"The lady protests too much, methinks.†Modern speakers frequently misquote the line as, â€Å"Methinks the lady doth protest too much†and seem to believe it means something like, â€Å"I think the person is trying to hide something by denying it so strongly.†Methinks is not the equivalent of â€Å"I think.†The thinks in methinks comes from the Old English verb thyncan: â€Å"to seem†or â€Å"to appear.†The think in â€Å"I think I’ll drive to Tulsa this weekend†comes from Old English thencan: â€Å"to think.†Methinks means â€Å"It seems to me.†Originally, it was spelled as two words. The me is an indirect object: â€Å"It seems to me.†Now it is spelled as one word, although some modern speakers, imagining that it means, â€Å"I think†spell it as two words. Note: Using methinks as if it meant, â€Å"I think†equates to such baby talk as â€Å"Me wants a cookie.†The past tense of methinks is methought: Methought I heard a voice cry, â€Å"Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep.†–Macbeth, Act II, scene ii. Another misunderstood word in the Hamlet quotation is protest. Modern speakers interpret it to mean, â€Å"to object,†but Gertrude means it in the sense of â€Å"to promise.†She thinks the Player Queen is overdoing her promise never to remarry should her husband die: Player Queen: Both here and hence pursue me lasting strife, If once I be a widow, ever I be a wife! Paraphrase: May nothing but trouble hound my steps for the rest of my life if I ever remarry after my husband’s death. Here are a few examples of how methinks is being used on the Web: Me thinks I have the perfect frame for it. Me thinks Im in need of some serious psychiatric help. Me thinks you drank a wee bit too much one night. Methinks Jay Leno Is a Closet Conservative/Libertarian. Methinks ESPN’s Chris Broussard WANTS to get fired. Because so many speakers are already confused about the proper way to use the pronouns me and I, it may be a good idea to retire the use of methinks–at least at the beginning of a sentence. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Grammar Mistakes You Should AvoidWriting the Century10 Humorous, Derisive, or Slang Synonyms for â€Å"Leader†or â€Å"Officialâ€
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Meaning of Tenir in French and How to Use the Verb
The Meaning of Tenir in French and How to Use the Verb Tenir is an irregular verb ending in -ir and usually means to hold or to keep. Tenir has a number of other meanings, including some which depend on the preposition that follows. Its used in a number of French expressions. Meanings of Tenir Tenir usually means to hold or to keep: Quest-ce quil tient la main? Translation: What is he holding in his hand?Je dois tenir les enfants par la main. Translation: I need to hold the kids hands.Tenez les yeux fermà ©s. Translation: Keep your eyes closed.Il faut tenir cette affiche en place. Translation: You need to hold this poster in place. Additional Meanings To have/keep under control: Vous tenez bien votre classe.Translation: You have your class under control. To run/manage (a business): Qui tient le magasin?Translation: Whos running the store? To organize (an event): Le comità © tient une sà ©ance chaque mois.Translation: The committee holds a meeting every month. To handle, be able to accept: Elle ne tient pas lalcool. (informal)Translation: She cant hold her liquor. To keep: Je tiens toujours mes promesses.I always keep my promises. To take up, fulfill: Cette table tient trop de place.Translation: This table takes up too much room Tenir Tenir may be followed by a noun, an infinitive, or a clause. When followed by a noun, it means either to value, care about, be attached to or to be due to, stem from: Je ne tiens pas son opinion. Translation: I dont care about his opinion. quoi tient son succà ¨s? Translation: What is the secret of his success? When followed by an infinitive or ce que subjunctive, tenir means to be anxious/eager: Je tiens vous remercier. Translation: Im eager to thank you.Il tient ce que tu sois laise. Translation: Hes anxious for you to feel comfortable. Tenir can also be used to mean to depend on - most commonly with ne___ qu: Cela ne tient qu toi de choisir. Translation: Its up to you to choose. The choice depends (only) on you.Cela ne tient pas qu moi. Translation: It doesnt depend on me alone. Tenir de Tenir de means to take after/resemble, to have to do with: Elle tient de sa mà ¨re. Translation: She takes after her mother.Cela tient du miracle. Translation: That seems like a miracle, Theres something miraculous about that. Se Tenir Reflexively, tenir means to hold (oneself), to be in a position, or to behave: Pourquoi se tient-il la jambe? Translation: Why is he holding his leg?Je me tenais par une main. Translation: I held myself (up) with one hand.Tu dois te tenir debout. Translation: You have to stand up.Nous nous tenons prà ªts partir. Translation: Were prepared to leave.Elle se tient bien. Translation: Shes well-behaved.Tiens-toi tranquille! Translation: Behave yourself! Be quiet! Se tenir can also be used intransitively with many of the meanings in the first section (to hold a meeting, to be connected, etc) Present Tense Conjugations je tienstu tiensil tientnous tenonsvous tenezï » ¿ils tiennent
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Analysis - Case Study Example The customer loyalty gained by this company emanates from the trust bestowed upon its good intentions and commitment to sharing the music experience with the community both locally and beyond. Although sharing a similar financial history, the companys principal competitors include the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra both of which have operated at deficits in the past. San Francisco Symphony has a high corporate strategy that appreciates its current position, its future aspirations and aims at defining the means of getting to its destination. Under its business strategy, the symphony can be said to have a good long-term plan on how to achieve its strategic objectives by the year 2018. In terms of its human resources, the company takes pride in the rich experience of its director, president and board members as a reliable, functional strategy for both its planning, development and marketing needs. The symphonys superior music experience in terms of recording and performance make up its strengths (Hall & Taylor, 2014). However, the consistent deficits and periodic poor financial performance is a weakness that must be improved to make the companyâ⠂¬â„¢s future brighter. Considering the customer base, and its good leadership, the Symphony has an open opportunity for growth. However, competition and the unionization of the music industry are major threats. An analysis of the competitiveness of the company, the ethical issues that arise in its operations, its financial status and the overall framework shall be made with the aim of establishing its actual position. The competitive analysis will adopt the Porters Five Forces analysis and the VRIO framework. The unstable financial stability of the company marked by consistent deficits will be deeply analysed. The study will endeavour to make recommendations that can improve the company in both its corporate, business and functional strategies. Through its
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Legal Drinking Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Legal Drinking Age - Essay Example The country does allow its citizen to do everything else like voting or marrying but they are forbidden to take alcohol until they turn 21. The legal age has always been a subject of discussion but it seems right to believe that if a person is old enough to take part in a war then is definitely old enough to drink as well. In the US, a person is considered adult when he turns 18 years of age. However, it is not legal to drink until a person turns 21. This does not make much sense. When a person can own a car, marry at will and make up his or her mind to adopt or abort children at the age of 18 then he or she should be given the right to drink at the same age where he or she can perform all these different activities as mentioned above (Hanson, 2013). Adults can make the right and wise choices for themselves. It is not right and fair that the government has placed a restriction on drinking up to the age of 21 when people are considered mentally and physically matures at 18 years of age. At 18 years of age young adults can vote and go to war in the United States of America. This means that the government believes that they have the ability to think in order to choose the right candidate or politician to run the country (Thio, 2011). If people have the ability to understand the vision of the politician and they are in the position to understand their body and to consume alcohol to their needs. Placing restrictions on young adults who can vote for the better future of the United States of America by voting but cannot consume alcohol only contradicts the judgment of the law-enforcing agencies in the country. If they are big enough to vote then they are big enough to drink alcohol (Thio, 2011). More confusing is the fact that in the United States of America an 18-year-old young adult could go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan but cannot drink a mug of beer.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Managing Paediatric Illness and Injury Essay Example for Free
Managing Paediatric Illness and Injury Essay 1. Describe the common types of fractures and how to manage them. Broken bone. Based on the location and severity of the fracture, a broken bone usually must be set into position and supported until it is strong enough to bear weight. Your physician will recommend the most proven treatment approach, usually casting or surgery 2. Describe how to manage a dislocation Relieve pain around the dislocation by applying a cold pack to the area; this will also reduce swelling that can add to discomfort injury. Keep joint immobile and do not try to push the bone back in place. Offer ibuprofens if in severe pain, monitor the patient until the professionals arrive. 3. Describe how to recognise and manage the following head injuries: A concussion: you get dizziness, nausea, loss of memory, mild headache, seeing stars, double vision, numbness and lack of hand-eye coordination. B skull fracture: you will probably see an external wound or bruise on the head and there may be a depression visible on the scalp. Check behind the ears for swelling or bruising. There may be loss of clear fluid or watery blood through an eye or nostril, blood in the white of the eye, a black-eye, and the symmetry of the head or face may be disrupted. The responsiveness of the victim may deteriorate C cerebral compression: levels of response deteriorate; headaches tend to be intense; noisy, slowed, or irregular breathing; pupil sizes unequal; paralysis or weakness on one side of the body or face; drowsiness; temperature spike, fever, or flushed face; personality changes 4. Describe how to manage an infant and a child with foreign bodies in their eyes, ears and nose. If a child gets sand, dust, or paint in their eyes, then we can try removing it ourselves, firstly wear clean pair of disposable gloves, and gently pull the bottom eye lid down, and with a clean wet tissue try to clean the eye, and if that don’t work, then try to wash the eye out with water, position the child’s head over the sink or bowl with eye open and wash the eye out using plastic cup, try to pour the water for the side of the eye, if this still don’t work then go to the nearest walking centre. There are several things that can get stuck in ears and nose, common ones like batteries, beads, nuts. If a child does get anything small stuck in their nose or ear, unless it can easily be pulled out with a firm grip then go for it, if not don’t try because you may end up pushing it further back and making it difficult, in these kind of situations you need to call a first aider, or take the child to the nearest walking centre to get it removed. 5. Describe how to recognise and manage common eye injuries Eye injuries can range from relatively trivial, such as irritating the eye with shampoo, to extremely serious, resulting in permanent loss of vision. Common causes of eye injuries include, something like a small particle of grit or a twig damages the transparent front part of the eye known as the cornea – this type of injury is known as a corneal abrasion. A foreign body such as a small piece of wood or metal gets stuck in the eye. A sudden blow to the eye, from a fist or a cricket ball for example, causes the middle section of the eye (the uvea) to become swollen – this type of injury is known as traumatic uveitis. Wash your eyes out for 20 minutes if you think they have been exposed to a chemical. Ideally, you should wash the eye with saline solution, but tap water will be fine if saline is unavailable. Use plenty of water. Water from a garden hose or water fountain is okay if youre outside. Then go immediately to your nearest AE department. Its also important to go t o AE if you cut your eye and it starts bleeding or if you have something stuck in your eye. Never try to remove anything from your eye as you could damage it. 6. Describe how to recognise and manage chronic medical conditions including:a. Sickle cell anaemia. Sickle cell disease is an inherited disorder in which red blood cells are abnormally shaped. This abnormality can result in painful episodes, serious infections, chronic anaemia, and damage to body organs. These complications can, however, vary from person to person depending on the type of sickle cell disease each has. Some people are relatively healthy and others are hospitalized frequently. But thanks to advancements in early diagnosis and treatment, most kids born with this disorder grow up to live relatively healthy and productive lives. b. Diabetes The main symptoms of diabetes are: feeling very thirsty urinating frequently, particularly at night feeling very tired weight loss and loss of muscle bulk Type 1 diabetes can develop quickly, over weeks or even days. Many people have type 2 diabetes for years without realising because early symptoms tend to be general. The amount of sugar in the blood is usually controlled by a hormone called insulin, which is produced by the pancreas (a gland behind the stomach). When food is digested and enters your bloodstream, insulin moves glucose out of the blood and into cells, where it is broken down to produce energy. However, if you have diabetes, your body is unable to break down glucose into energy. This is because there is either not enough insulin to move the glucose, or the insulin produced does not work properly. c. asthma Asthma is caused by inflammation of the airways. These are the small tubes, called bronchi, which carry air in and out of the lungs. If you have asthma, the bronchi will be inflamed and more sensitive than normal. When you come into contact with something that irritates your lungs, known as a trigger, your airways become narrow, the muscles around them tighten and there is an increase in the production of sticky mucus. This leads to symptoms including: Difficulty breathing Wheezing and coughing A tight chest. While there is no cure for asthma, there are a number of treatments that can help effectively control the condition. Treatment is based on two important goals: Relieving symptoms Preventing future symptoms and attacks from developing Treatment and prevention involves a combination of medicines, lifestyle advice, and identifying and then avoiding potential asthma triggers. Read more about living with asthma. 7. Describe how to recognise and manage serious sudden illnesses including a. Meningitis Viral meningitis usually gets better within a couple of weeks, with plenty of rest and painkillers for the headache. Bacterial meningitis is treated with antibiotics (medication that treats infections caused by bacteria). Treatment will require admission to hospital, with severe cases treated in an intensive care unit so the bodys vital functions can be supported. The best way to prevent meningitis is by ensuring vaccinations are up-to-date. Children in the UK should receive the available vaccines as part of the childhood vaccination programme. b. Febrile convulsions Febrile seizures are also sometimes called febrile convulsions. During most seizures the childs body becomes stiff, they lose consciousness and their arms and legs twitch. Some children may wet themselves. This is whats known as a tonic colonic seizure. If your child is having a febrile seizure, place them in the recovery position. Lay them on their side, on a soft surface, with their face turned to one side. This will stop them swallowing any vomit. It will keep their airway open and help to prevent injury. Stay with your child and try to make a note of how long it lasts. If it is your childs first seizure, or it lasts longer than five minutes, take them to the nearest hospital as soon as possible or call 999 for an ambulance. While it is unlikely that there is anything seriously wrong, it is best to be sure. If your child has had febrile seizures before and the seizure lasts for less than five minutes. Try not to put anything, including medication, in your child’s mouth duri ng a seizure as there is a slight chance that they might bite their tongue. Almost all children make a complete recovery, and there is not a single reported case of a child dying as the direct result of a febrile seizure. 8. Describe how to recognise and treat the effects of extreme cold and extreme heat for an infant and a child. When a child has an extreme cold the signs and symptoms are Shivering in the early stages Cold, pale and dry skin Low temperature 35 degrees or less Irrational behaviour, slow shallow breathing Cold to touch Unusually quite Refuses to feed Treatment for this will be to remove and replace wet clothing, wrap in a warm blanket cover their head place in a warm room. Give them a hot drink only if they can hold the cup. If it’s a baby then warm them up slowly and place them in a warm room, use your body heat to warm them, and seek for medical advice. When a infant or child has an extreme heat the signs and symptoms could be Gradual onset Sweating, cold, clammy skin Dizziness, confusion, headache Cramps in limbs and or abdomen Shallow rapid breathing, nausea Treatment for this is Reassure, remove casualty to cool place Lie down with legs raised If conscious encourage to sip plenty of fluids If recovery is rapid advise them to see the doctor If unconscious put them in recovery and call 999 for ambulance
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Malcolm X :: essays research papers
The civil rights movement was a very grueling period in American history, this period promoted social and economic independence for blacks. In order to unite and to better spread the messages of the civil rights movement to other blacks throughout the country many black organizations choose leaders with powerful speaking skills to spread there messages. One of the most influential leaders of the civil rights movement was a young Muslim preacher by the name of Malcolm X. Malcolm Little was born on May 19, 1925, the son of Louise and Earl Little of Omaha, Nebraska. Louise Little was a mulatto born in Grenada in the British West Indies. And Earl Little was a Baptist minister and organizer for Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association. Louise, his second wife, bore six children: Wilfred, Hilda, Philbert, Malcolm, Yvonne, and Reginald. Earl Little also had three children by a first wife: Ella, Earl, and Mary. Little had migrated with his family from Philadelphia to the midwe st, first to Milwaukee, then Omaha, and finally to East Lansing, Mich. In 1929 the family house was burned down, by white supremacists. After Earl Little died in 1931 in a streetcar accident, Malcolm's mother eventually had a mental breakdown and entered an inside asylum. The siblings were dispersed to other families. Malcolm lived with a foster family before moving to Roxbury, Mass., in 1941 to live with a half sister, Ella Collins. A few months after his arrival in Roxbury, a predominantly black section of Boston, Malcolm dropped out of school (having completed eight grade) and took a job as a shoeshine boy at the Roseland Ballroom in Boston's Back Bay section. A career as a hustler seemed a more tempting option, and he was soon selling narcotics. Roxbury proved to be too small for him, and in 1942 he took a job as a railroad dining-car porter, working out of Roxbury and Harlem. Settling in Harlem, he became involved in robbery, prostitution, and narcotics. After a year in Harlem Malcolm was officially initiated into hustler society. He returned to Boston in 1945 after a falling out with another hustler, and continued a life of crime, forming his own house robbing gang. He was arrested for robbery in February 1946, and was convicted and sentenced to prison for seven years. While in prison, Malcolm became a follower of Elijah Muhammad, the leader of a small, urban cult, the Nation of Islam, with branches in Detroit, Chicago, and New York.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
ABC’s Unique Selling Proposition
In this fast changing world, preferences of people change as well. For instance, people became more health conscious than before. So, Anheuser-Bush Company which is known because of excellent beers produced comes up with the product better than its competitors. The product is Bud20. It is a kind of beer which includes a content of 20 calories in one bottle. It contains the lowest calorie compared to Cools and Miller and other competitors as well.Even though, the ingredient has only 20 calories, it is still considered as great tasting and finest beer in order to meet the demands of the customer in both the higher and the lower ends. Surely, the people will patronize the product and bring a high profit in the company. Since the company can afford to introduce the product to the higher advertisement, it is much easier to sell. The fastest way to advertise the product is through TV commercials and product launching in one of the variety shows in the country.Promoting the product to numer ous magazines and newspapers daily or weekly is also an effective marketing technique that should be applied. Since the company is one of the largest brewing companies and has established a good and respectable reputation when it comes to the manufacturing of beers, they gained a wide range of marketers to sell their product. These are supermarkets, groceries, convenience stores, liquor stores, restaurants and bars. . Bibliography Anheuser-Busch Companies, One Busch Place. St. Louis, MO 63118. 2 Dec. 2007. http://www. anheuser-busch. com/Products. html
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Operational management Essay
1. Viking Sewing Machines ltd, a large company, was engaged in manufacturing and marketing household sewing machines including electronic models and low priced mechanical models. Sale of domestic sewing machines was declining all over the world in view of the increasing popularity of readymade garments produced by companies using industrial sewing machines. At this stage there was a change in the ownership of Viking in 1997, when the CEO resigned and a new CEO took charge. Under his leadership, Viking considered the following mission statements for the company: a. To develop, produce, market and sell sewing machines and related products which enhance the joy of creative sewing; b. To be consumer driven company ensuring growth, profitability and success by providing superior satisfaction to the consumers and our dealer partners by continuously adding value to the Viking brand; c. To be recognized as the leading premier sewing machine company in the world; and d. To expand our business by creating demand for more creative uses of sewing. Which one of the above mission statements should the company adopt and why? Answer Every business had to be managed and operated with a long term seted goal. So, they need to forecast about the upcoming future of the company and that forecasting should be done in such a way so that it can be more effective and efficient for the organization in the long run. Here, the competitors had already beat the Viking Sewing Machine ltd. So to stay in the competitive market, Viking Sewing Machine ltd should adopt such a policy so that they can be sustainable in the market. Therefore, in order to be sustainable Viking Sewing Machine ltd should follow the second mission statement â€Å"to be a consumer driven company ensuring growth, profitability and success by providing superior satisfaction to the consumers and our dealer patter and by continuously adding value to the Viking Brand.†Because, consumers are the key assets for every company. When consumers will be satisfied with the product they have purchased, they themselves will repeatedly buy the products and they will promote the product by themselves to their close persons. Thus the company would gain some valued customers which will help them to be stable in the market. Again, when Viking will maintain a good relation to their dealers (supply chain management is very important for every organization), they will be very glad for working with such a company. They will also be loyal with the company and will do for the betterment of the company always. 2. For more than ten years till 1995, Laboni stores ltd was successfully running a a number of retail stores selling cosmetics and skin care products. From 1996, sales were stagnating and now after a year had started declining. The general manager of the company made enquiries from stores in charge at various locations of stores. All of them reported that ladies, particularly the younger generation, were found to be highly discriminating about choice of products. Demand for certain branded items widely fluctuated due to movie artists’ preferences shown on the TV. Also there is a marketed tendency to equate quality with rice. The general managed decided to have environmental analysis carried out with a focus on changes in social and cultural factors among urban ladies On that basis he even thought of recommending to the board of directors a complete change in the product lines to be decided. Do you think the GM was right in his approach regarding environmental scanning? What other factors in the environment needed analysis? If there was a clear change in tastes and preferences of buyers of certain products, is it essential for the company to switch over to a different product line? Answer Every organization in the world needs to modify their business model in some context. When the demand for their products starts to decline due to the change in tastes and preferences of their customers and their competitive pressure keep increasing, they should grab a new policy for their company just to be sustaining in the competitive market. Here, considering the above mentioned fact, I would say that yes, the general manager was right in his approach regarding environmental scanning of the product. Because by scanning the environment, the company would able to know the actual demand of their products and some other factors which are hampering their market such as the quality of their competitors product, what new demand exist in the market, what their customer wants, which innovation should they bring . As there was a clear change in the tastes and preferences of their customers of certain products, the company should switch over to a different product line based on the result s they have found from the scanning of the environment. 3. Avik industries ltd was a family owned conglomerate with diversified business activities including consumers’ durables, switchgears, batteries and both toilate and washing soapes. For a number of years the company prospered with growth in volumes and market share. But its performance had setback in 1999, when the net margins in switchgears, the most profitable product, declined from 12 to 11%, while in consumer durables it had halved to 6%, the batteries business was under pressure, and the ailing soaps division had just started looking up. The chief executive of the switchgear unit observed that the results would have been worse but for the focus on operational efficiency. For years, Avik had been organized along four divisions as independent profit centres. Except for HR and finance, all other functions were decentralized. The advantage was that each of the businesses had a strong focus. It also facilitated customer focus. The flipside was that divisions became insular and inward looking. Each division had its own ad budget even separated ad agencies. The sales force was pushed to look at short term product promotions in the face of competitive pressure. The cost of sales was rising much faster than rate of growth in sales. It seemed divisional autonomy had been pushed too far down the line. Should the divisional set up be disbanded? Or, should the divisions be converted into SBUs and spun off into separate companies? Is there any other alternative structure possible? Answer Decentralization makes all individual more creative as their decisions get more valued from the top level of the organization. So they get more encouraged to take all the decisions of the company very carefully as they know that they will be treated well for a better decision in future. Now considering the mentioned fact, my suggestion would be neither the divisional set up should be disbanded nor a single division should be converted in to separate companies. Rather, Avik industries ltd should disbanded their decision of decentralizing their all other departments. I would say that the decentralization would be very better for the company. And altogether, the SBUs must be added into all their separated departments. Henceforth, the decentralization will allow all other departments to make their own decision and the SBUs will put all the information of the organization from all the separated departments together. Thus, the management board and all others can look for every decision of their organization that had taken in separated departments and would be able to make any correction if they needed in future. So, the decision would mostly come from the top level of the company which will bring the betterment for the company.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How Long is the ACT with Extended Time
How Long is the ACT with Extended Time SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Students with documented disabilities who would like extended time on the ACT can request one of two options: National Extended Time, which entails 50% additional time, or Special Testing, which varies by student, includes more than time and a half, and tends to take place over multiple testing days. This guide will take a deeper look at the options for extended time on the ACT, and how long the test-taking experience is for students with these accommodations. To begin, who qualifies for extra time? Who Qualifies for Extended Time on the ACT? In order to qualify for extended time on the ACT, students must have a documented disability. Usually students will have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan at school, though this alone doesn't automatically qualify them for ACT accommodations. A school coordinator will have to make the request, making sure to specify the accommodation needed and provide in depth documentation. Processing takes about four weeks, so requests should be made early. If the request is denied for some reason, it's possible to appeal - another good reason to apply as early as possible! Eligible students may have documented learning disabilities, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, or medical conditions. Whatever the reason, these students will benefit from having extra time on the test, whether it be the 50% National Extended Time or a greater time allowance with Special Testing. Let's take a look at the differences in testing schedules between these two options. How Long is the ACT with Time and a Half? Without extended time, the ACT lasts 2 hours and 55 minutes, or 3 hours and 35 minutes with the optional 40 minute essay. The sections are always given in the order of English, Math, Reading, and Science, with the choice of the essay at the end of the test. With time and a half, students are allowed 5 hours for the ACT without Writing and 6 hours for the ACT with Writing. They receive the sections in the same order, but with one important difference: students with National Extended Time are allowed to self-pace throughout the test. Instead of having to stick to a certain section, they can distribute their time as they like between English, Math, Reading, and Science. Students not taking the essay have 5 full hours to complete these sections as best fits their test-taking style. In this way, this accommodation both eases the intense time pressure of the ACT and helps students choose how to divide their time most effectively. Extended time does not necessarily mean extended or extra breaks. If students need more than the typical 10 minute break after Reading and 5 minute break before the essay, then they will have to make a separate request for this. Students taking the ACT with 50% additional time will test at a national test center on an official testing date (a Saturday morning). Given the additional time, what will their test day schedule look like? Test day will have an early start. Test Day Schedule with Time and a Half Unless students arrange to have an alternative testing date for religious reasons, they'll take the ACT on a Saturday morning at a national testing center (often, but not always, their own high school). Students are typically required to be at the testing room by 8:00 AM. I would advise getting there by 7:45 at the latest! Doors close at 8:00, and latecomers won't be admitted. The test itself begins between 8:30 and 9:00, since it takes time for proctors to check everyone in, get them seated, distribute materials, and have students fill out their biographical information on the scantrons. Once all the logistics are wrapped up, the test will begin! Students without accommodations are typically dismissed around 12:15 (or 1:15 with the essay). Students with time and a half, on the other hand, will be dismissed around 2:30 (or 3:30 with Writing). Their time for check in and set up may be reduced, since they usually take the test in a small group of no more than 10 students in an extended time testing room. While time and a half is the most common time-based accommodation, Special Testing is also granted to some students. This additional time alters both the schedule and the location of the ACT. Location change for students with Special Testing! How Long is the ACT with Special Testing? Instead of testing on Saturday morning at the designated testing center, students who qualify for Special Testing and more than 50% additional time will test at their school. They'll take the ACT over the course of two or more days under the supervision of a staff member. The ACT will either be administered individually or in a small group of students with similar accommodations. While Special Testing extended time options vary, the most common is 100% additional time. In this case, students would take a single ACT section per school day before returning to their regular classes. Spreading the test out like this can be especially helpful for students with attentional issues, plus it gives students the chance to prepare specifically for each section the night before they take it. All in all, students with 100% extended time would have 90 minutes for the English section, 2 hours for Math, and 70 minutes each for Reading and Science. That adds up to a total of 5 hours and 50 minutes spread out over 4 days, or 7 hours and 10 minutes with the essay. Since students with Special Testing take the ACT at school, they don't necessarily share a specific testing date. Instead, they just have to complete all testing within one of the 3 week testing windows listed on the accommodations request form. For 2015 to 2016, these windows are September 12 - October 4, 2015 October 24 - November 15, 2015 December 12 - January 3, 2016 February 6 - February 28, 2016 April 9 - May 1, 2016, and June - July 3, 2016. Because they have some more flexibility in testing dates, students with Special Testing should register for the time that best fits with their schedules and any college deadlines. Apart from 100% or more additional time, Special Testing may include alternate accommodations like braille, DVDs, or a computer for essays. Students applying for accommodations do so for all different reasons and to support all different needs. To best meet their needs and improve their ACT experience, students, parents, and school coordinators should start planning early for time extensions, as well as determine exactly what accommodations they should request. Planning for Accommodations Extended time on the ACT can significantly help a student have a better test-taking experience and achieve a stronger score. The self-pacing option can be especially beneficial for a lot of students, as it reduces the stress of time pressure and allows them to divide the material as meets their needs. Since the approval process takes a while, and there's always the chance of getting denied and having to appeal, school coordinators should research accommodations, collect all the relevant documentation, and make their request as early as possible. By planning and preparing, coordinators can make sure students get the extended time they need through National Extended Time or Special Testing to perform their best on the ACT. What's Next? Are you deciding between the ACT and the SAT and wondering how extended time works on the SAT? Check out this article to see the options College Board offers (hint: more options, but no self-pacing). Exactly how long is each section of the ACT? Check out our expert guide on timing and pacing on the ACT. Rumor has it, the ACT has been getting more challenging and fast-paced over the past few years. Is this true or just hearsay? Read more about these claims that the ACT has been getting consistently harder in recent years. Disappointed with your ACT scores? Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Rebecca Safier About the Author Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Periodic Law Definition in Chemistry
Periodic Law Definition in Chemistry The Periodic Law states that the physical and chemical properties of the elements recur in a systematic and predictable way when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. Many of the properties recur at intervals. When the elements are arranged correctly, the trends in element properties become apparent and can be used to make predictions about unknown or unfamiliar elements, simply based on their placement on the table. Importance of Periodic Law Periodic Law is considered to be one of the most important concepts in chemistry. Every chemist makes use of Periodic Law, whether consciously or not, when dealing with the chemical elements, their properties, and their chemical reactions. Periodic Law led to the development of the modern periodic table. Discovery of Periodic Law Periodic Law was formulated based on observations made by scientists in the 19th century. In particular, contributions made by Lothar Meyer and Dmitri Mendeleev made trends in element properties apparent. They independently proposed Periodic Law in 1869. The periodic table arranged the elements to reflect Periodic Law, even though scientists at the time had no explanation for why properties followed a trend. Once the electronic structure of atoms was discovered and understood, it became apparent the reason characteristics occurred in intervals was because of the behavior of electron shells. Properties Affected by Periodic Law The key properties that follow trends according to Periodic Law are atomic radius, ionic radius, ionization energy, electronegativity, and electron affinity. Atomic and ionic radius are a measure of the size of a single atom or ion. While atomic and ionic radius are different from each other, they follow the same general trend. The radius increases moving down an element group and generally decreases moving left to right across a period or row. Ionization energy is a measure of how easy it is to remove an electron from an atom or ion. This value decreases moving down a group and increases moving left to right across a period. Electron affinity is how easily an atom accepts an electron. Using Periodic Law, it becomes apparent the alkaline earth elements have a low electron affinity. In contrast, the halogens readily accept electrons to fill their electron subshells and have high electron affinities. The noble gas elements have practically zero electron affinity because they have full valence electron subshells. Electronegativity is related to electron affinity. It reflects how easily an atom of an element attracts electrons to form a chemical bond. Both electron affinity and electronegativity tend to decrease moving down a group and increase moving across a period. Electropositivity is another trend governed by Periodic Law. Electropositive elements have low electronegativities (e.g., cesium, francium). In addition to these properties, there are other characteristics associated with Periodic Law, which may be considered properties of element groups. For example, all of the elements in group I (alkali metals) are shiny, carry a 1 oxidation state, react with water, and occur in compounds rather than as free elements.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Reflect on the dicourses around the term 'terrorism within Australia Essay
Reflect on the dicourses around the term 'terrorism within Australia - Essay Example The word â€Å"us†identifies the Western society, which is believed to be under violent aggression from radical Islamic groups who are going against the ideals of liberty and democracy. In Australia, the bombing in Bali that happened nearly a year after the World Trade Center Bombing left Australian society with a picture and lay image of the word â€Å"terrorism†. When Australia passed its Anti-Terror Act of 2005, Australian Prime Minister John Howard (2002) ‘reaffirms Australia’s commitment to continue the war against terrorism in our region and in the rest of the world’. This of course went in line with the wishes and intent of the strong nations of the Western world led by the United States and the United Kingdom, in pursuit of freedom against terrorism. Therefore, this created a sort of world order wherein the Muslim world and supporters of radical Islamic terrorist elements are clearly distinguished as the opposite of the order. On the other s ide, the Western society reaffirms its stand for the democratic way of life and freedom. This is where the word â€Å"terrorism†plays as a catalyst. It should be first understood that terrorism denotes a sign of conflict or an act of war.
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